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Media mistakes

Difficult to see what "each year" means in this context. Unnecessary!
I'm not sure about the story. Where is the power from all the other solar farms going? If the national Grid : Live is showing renewables and solar (and has been for quite a while) then surely the story is bs.
Where is the power from all the other solar farms going?
Done a little dig and it's as I suspected. From the Bristol Post:
... the first in the country to be connected up to the National Grid’s high voltage network .... Until now, all solar farms in Britain have connected to the country’s distribution networks, the lower voltage regional grids
Pure puffery imo.
Difficult to see what "each year" means in this context. Unnecessary!
This kind of thing turns up all over the place, particularly in adverts etc about power generation. Sometimes it's failure to understand the difference between energy and power. The people who write this stuff are not science-literate, and no doubt celebrate that as good (the same as it's "not cool" to be good with numbers).
You mean the way the sea remains steady as a rock while the buildings wash up and down? Yes, I thought that was strange too.
???? What sea????? the buildings are static for me and the only not so odd thing I see is the bird being larger when it reappears from behind the laptop.

Equal and opposite reactions should have the bulk of the bird going up when the wings beat down, and vice versa.

Two to the power of 16 million to one and falling.
I am not sure that the laws of physics apply to an animation of an origami bird.