Media mistakes

Interesting tale. Wonder if the first thing he did afterwards was buy a lottery ticket? I note one of the fishermen quoted their speed not in knots but as "7 miles an hour" (10:58), and Hannah says "7 knots" correctly the first time it's used (1:24). Might even have been the story editor writing the script, feeling they ought to be using knots because it's on water, and not really understanding it (or indeed converting it correctly, 7 mph is ~6 knots).
In a similar manner on the latest Naked Scientist podcast one of the contributors talked about "a change in temperature of one degree Kelvin". 🤨
Hmm, they really should know better. Also it's lower case 😉 but that's much less of a concern to me. To answer @antipodean, the 7 knots was referring to a constant speed (that's partly how the search and rescue knew where to look).