I have already tried that, unfortunately it made no difference.It wouldn't hurt to do a cold start switching the box off at the power socket or with the switch on the back after you have put it into standby with the remote
You don't need the internet to make use of the webif and it's facilities - you could make do with an old laptop connected to the Humax by cable or wifi, although useful for updates, it is not essential to have a connection out to the world.I believe this feature is on the 'Webif' but as i don't have internet at home i can't make use of it
No, this does not require the Internet. What it requires is a home network (not necessarily connected to the Internet at all), which can be as simple as a point-to-point length of network cable.With regards to the 'via cable', again please explain in a bit more detail please mate. People of a certain age like myself aren't always up-to-speed with all techie things. How does the Humax "see" a PC? I'm pretty sure it can't, as you would normally access the Humax via ftp wouldn't you? (which requires the internet).
The Users Like You currently number 1. Using a smart phone or tablet to access the WebIF means not having to get off the couch. Using a notebook computer means not having to get off the couch. Doing everything via the SUI means annoying the other half with on-screen menus when she's trying to watch Corrie.My request is on behalf of users like me who like a quick procedure, from the couch, so as not to have to get up and faff about with a PC.
In any case: how would you even implement a magic-folders invert crop? It would need another (different) magic folder.
If you are really that keen, it might be possible to implement this yourself using sweeper.
OK you have made me curious; if you don't have access to any of those devices, how are you posting to the Forum?Not only do i not possess the technical know-how, but neither the equipment (smartphone, laptop, home network, dongle, router etc etc.), nor the time.
How did you get magic folders installed on your Humax in the first place without any computer or internet connection.With reference to my original query - [https://hummy.tv/forum/threads/nicesplice-magic-folders.8493/page-2#post-130860] - can anyone create a new "Magic Folder" for example, for the purpose of inverting the 'Cuts' in the [edit] folder?
Very similar to the web-if version, but for the sole use via the Remote Control only.
Many thanks
The logic ofWith reference to my original query - [https://hummy.tv/forum/threads/nicesplice-magic-folders.8493/page-2#post-130860] - can anyone create a new "Magic Folder" for example, for the purpose of inverting the 'Cuts' in the [edit] folder?
nicesplice -cutBookmarks
, which is used by Nicesplice Magic Folders, is that material between bookmarks 1 and 2, 3 and 4, ..., 2n+1 and 2n+2, ..., is removed, with an implicit bookmark at the end of the recording (also apparently n < 16).Nicesplice Magic Folders does its work through a shell script...
I am not sure that anyone is maintaining the Magic Folders these days.
, so anyone who wished to implement either a "Bookmark position 0" or an "Inverted cut" magic folder should look there; maybe modularise the script a little at the same time.OK you have made me curious; if you don't have access to any of those devices, how are you posting to the Forum?
If you want to ignore someone then try clicking on Members in top menu bar, find the member and in their profile click "ignore".
How did you get magic folders installed on your Humax in the first place without any computer or internet connection.
You obviously do have an internet connection and the ability to post so are not a total luddite.
Creating a new Magic folder is not a trivial exercise but would require a significant amount of programming effort.
Hello there, and many thanks for your reply.
I'm currently at my Grandson's and making use of his internet at the moment.
As i don't have a PC or internet or any other modern electronic devices myself, my access to all the extra features on the Web-if are limited i'm afraid. So when there are features that do exist via the Remote Control also, that helps me enormously.
Anything i can suggest that helps me, may also help others, especially those who aren't members, but viewing from a far, such as myself until today.
Apart from one particular individual, everyone else has been very kind in their responses and have made me feel welcome. Language is a powerful tool and for some, they simply don't understand that other's interpret it differently to how it may of been written. I made my point to that member that his help is not welcome because his language was rude and offensive to me.
I hope my suggestions can help others as well as mine.
Many thanks
...Given this, isn't your problem solved by adding a bookmark at the start of the recording, which you can do with the remote control?
Nicesplice Magic Folders does its work through a shell script/mod/sbin/editmonitor
, so anyone who wished to implement either a "Bookmark position 0" or an "Inverted cut" magic folder should look there; maybe modularise the script a little at the same time.
Creating a new Magic folder is not a trivial exercise but would require a significant amount of programming effort.
Nicesplice Magic Folders does its work through a shell script/mod/sbin/editmonitor
, so anyone who wished to implement either a "Bookmark position 0" or an "Inverted cut" magic folder should look there; maybe modularise the script a little at the same time.
You're not the first person to want the ability to delete an intial section up to a bookmark, though to do so with Magic Folders is novel."....However, i frequently want the reverse - ie. save everything from the very start of the recording until it reaches the first (and only in my case) bookmark. Reason being that there is an approx 4 second delay/missing portion after the bookmark point (corrupt frames round the cut), therefore you lose some content when editing it, especially if it's right of the beginning of the recording where you lose the start of the tv programme!
As the bookmarks are only a guide point, and not an exact mark (i assume due to the bookmark being somewhere close-by in the recording for some strange reason?) i frequently have to play around with the position of it, and try to second-guess the 'real/exact' point that i want the recording to start (edit) from - which is very hit and miss! - and almost always gets it wrong, which is very frustrating!"
Elsewhere in the quoted thread, it is suggested that the cut-point for an "out" bookmark (bookmarks 1, 3, etc) is the next I-frame. Normally this would be the right thing, but not if the bookmark is meant to be at the start of the recording; as a result you might get a short, possibly corrupted, chunk from the start of the recording followed by the wanted final section.I should point out that frame accurate editing is not really possible anyway, as nicesplice will adjust the cut points to the nearest I[key]-frame to try and minimise picture corruption. These are usually every second or so, but they are often also on significant scene changes, which is usually where you want to cutThere often is still a few frames corruption just before a cut which I need to investigate sometime, but locking to I-frames keeps it clean at the start of a new section at least.