Thanks for the replies and the advice, to be quite clear I appreciate the advice, I am taking it on board and trying to act on it but it seems I am either misunderstanding what people are telling me or that what some people are saying is not correct.
To clear up a few points:
It also makes sense not to have an amplifier and a splitter separately.
Does it? Why is that? That gives you fewer options should things change in the future.
I would think having separate ones would just add to potential interference/noise being introduced.
Based on what knowledge? You're wrong.
The reason I said that it makes sense to not have a separate amplifier and splitter is I have been told in this thread that all connections introduce some reduction to the signal and are best kept to a minimum, (that was the knowledge upon which it was based, seeing as you ask). It seems that you disagree with this as you tell me that I am wrong. I have also read on Aerials & TV's website that all connections and joints should be kept to a minimum, it seems they are wrong as well?
all connections (however good) will introduce some reduction to the signal and are best kept to a minimum
If I had a separate amplifier and a splitter I would be introducing more connections than if I had a combined amplifier and splitter as I would have to run a length of cable from the amplifier to the splitter, maybe I am wrong here (quite possibly). This would mean 2 additional connections and thus two more areas for signal reduction. Well that was how I had understood it but I seem to have been wrong from what you are saying and that I need not worry about adding additional connections.
Furthermore, you yourself recommended to me that I do not need to get a separate amplifier and splitter:
I believe the device I quoted has two outputs so you don't need the splitter.
This is what I would recommend that the OP gets
So I am confused why you are now implying that I should now get a separate amplifier and splitter? I tried to take you advice but you now seem to be saying the opposite and that I shouldn't get the one you recommended but should in order to give me more options in the future get separate units??? But then later say I am not taking your advice - I am very confused.
Also the more items I introduce to the set up I would think there is more potential for me making poor connections and there is more potential for the items to go wrong and also there is the obvious additional cost of buying two separate units v 1 unit.
I've already told you what to get (as has someone else), but you seem determined to do it differently. You'll probably end up getting something similar to what you've got now along with the same problems.
You asked for advice. Take it when it's given.
I am not sure where you think I am determined to do it differently to how you suggested. I am doing it exactly as you suggested from what I understand you to have said:
This is what I would recommend that the OP gets, if he needs an amp. If he doesn't, then he can just keep his splitter.
So surely it makes sense to introduce the splitter back in first to see if I need the amp? Hence, why I said:
I shall keep the current set up for a few more days just to be sure before reintroducing the splitter.
I have also asked you about the amplifier to which you kindly answered various questions on which I plan to introduce into the system should I need to by placing it in the loft and not bother getting a waterproof one for this reason, on your advice. I have then gone on to say that I plan to get an electrician that is visiting for other work to place a socket in the loft to power it, again upon you advice about powering it from its own source and again you indicate I should just try the splitter first:
You use a separate power supply. It's not difficult. In most cases you'd get away with a splitter anyway.
So all in all I am totally confused as to why you think I have asked for advice and not taken it and why you think I seem determined to do it differently to what you have told me to do? I am planning to do it exactly to your recommendations? What am I missing and or misunderstanding as I don't want to get something similar to what I've got now along with the same problems.