I have only had my HDR-FOX T2 for just over a week, so these are early findings.
I too have found using the custom firmware causes audio dropouts, stuttering, loss of HDMI signal, and the machine generally becoming less responsive to inputs from the remote. The longer the machine has been running the worse the problem gets. I am in a pre-DSO area, so I only receive SD broadcasts.
My Humax is plugged into a spare wireless router which is configured as a wireless bridge to my main ASDL router upstairs (I have a wireless dongle on order but haven't received it yet). This secondary router is often switched off when I am not using the Humax to access the iPlayer.
Significantly, I noticed that the problem of dropouts etc only occurs in the absence of a network connection, or more precisely, a network connection to the internet.
If I let the machine run for a few hours without an internet connection, then plug it into my router but this time configured as an independent access point (i.e. not bridged to my main ADSL router and hence no access to the internet) and look inside, I see a load of processes like the following:
7535 root 1240 S < /bin/sh -c /mod/sbin/rs_process >> /mod/tmp/rs.log 2
7536 root 2716 S < {rs_process} /mod/bin/jimsh /mod/sbin/rs_process
... repeated some 20 times
4885 root 4008 S < /mod/bin/rs log Processing command ' '
4886 root 4008 S < /mod/bin/rs log !Unknown command ''
4890 root 4008 S < /mod/bin/rs ack Error: 6 - Couldn't resolve host nam
4897 root 4008 S < /mod/bin/rs cmd
... again repeated multiple times
So it looks like the remote scheduling code is not handling the absence of an internet connection very well, over time causing a large number of processes to be left hanging around. The build up of these processes could well be the cause of the dropouts some people are seeing with the custom firmware. Once I reinstated the internet connection, these processes disapppeared.
Hope this helps.