Hi, I recently bought a HDR FOX T2 on ebay (sold as brand new), to have as a backup in case anything happened to my working unit which I've had for years. Everything worked fine for a few days, stuck custom firmware on it which all went without a hitch. Then after a few days it was dead, the 5A fuse in the plug had blown. This was replaced and it worked again for a day or so then died again. The weird thing is the fuse in the plug is fine this time, which leads me to believe there is an issue with the PSU board.
I took the board out and upon close inspection noticed a very fine crack in it, see below.
It doesn't look like any of the pads are damaged or lifted but it certainly doesn't look healthy to me.
I started poking around with my multimeter to check voltages and I think the transformer may be faulty, as I measured 110Vac on each of the primary pins (is this correct? there's 240 going into the board), but nothing at all on any of the secondary ones. Everything else on the board *appears* ok to my eyes, no blown capacitors or anything.
I contacted Humax by telephone and arranged delivery of a new PW808, but what turned up a few days later was not what I expected at all. I received a 12V plug-in wall transformer, like this:
I got back in touch with them again and was told that they did not have stock of the original PSU board (despite what they initially told me on the phone), but what they sent me was the current power supply that they had in stock for the HDR FOX T2 and should still be able to power the machine (not sure how exactly).
So, my question is this. Does anyone know where I can purchase an original PW808 PSU board from? Google searches have turned up nothing so far. Alternatively, can the power supply they sent me be used to power the HDR FOX T2 as Humax suggests? It only outputs 12Vdc but if I take the transformer off the PW808 and attach the new power supply output to where the 12V would have come out of the transformer will this work? Will I get both 12V and 5.8V?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I took the board out and upon close inspection noticed a very fine crack in it, see below.
It doesn't look like any of the pads are damaged or lifted but it certainly doesn't look healthy to me.
I started poking around with my multimeter to check voltages and I think the transformer may be faulty, as I measured 110Vac on each of the primary pins (is this correct? there's 240 going into the board), but nothing at all on any of the secondary ones. Everything else on the board *appears* ok to my eyes, no blown capacitors or anything.
I contacted Humax by telephone and arranged delivery of a new PW808, but what turned up a few days later was not what I expected at all. I received a 12V plug-in wall transformer, like this:
I got back in touch with them again and was told that they did not have stock of the original PSU board (despite what they initially told me on the phone), but what they sent me was the current power supply that they had in stock for the HDR FOX T2 and should still be able to power the machine (not sure how exactly).
So, my question is this. Does anyone know where I can purchase an original PW808 PSU board from? Google searches have turned up nothing so far. Alternatively, can the power supply they sent me be used to power the HDR FOX T2 as Humax suggests? It only outputs 12Vdc but if I take the transformer off the PW808 and attach the new power supply output to where the 12V would have come out of the transformer will this work? Will I get both 12V and 5.8V?
Thanks in advance for any help.