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Recommend me a programmable remote


New Member
Hi guys. Pretty fed up with having to point the OEM Humax remote directly at my Freesat HDR box to get it to do anything and I also want to be able to assign Schedule Red to a single button.
Can you recommend me a remote that will improve my life without breaking the bank?
(does not need to control more than 3 or 4 devices)
Is it a Foxsat HDR? If so then: Firstly, have you taken off the inner screen protective sheet from under the flap? It's hard to see.
raydon said:
It's not on the inside of the flap itself. It covers the clear panel which is exposed when you open the flap, that holds the display, IR receiver, and buttons. You should be able to see, and feel, the edges it's still there
Secondly, scrape off the greyish lacquer coating on the inside of the round IR window. It will then spring into life.
And as a direct answer. Harmony.
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Great thanks guys. Yes it is a HDR so I'll be doing those mods ASAP!
If I went with a harmony can they all be programmed to do schedule>red on a single button?
Or a real cheapo from the pound shop:D
A cheapo from the pound shop is very unlikely to cover the frequencies / protocols used by PVRs, they won't have JP1 interfaces, the ability to 'learn' or be programmable via a USB interface , all of which are available from One-4-Alls which do work with PVRs
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For reference, the 300 has four un-allocated buttons 1-4. Mine are allocated 1 = Media, 2 = Opt+, 3 = Wide, 4 = TV/Radio - they are labelled accordingly using a Brother labeller in the available space beside them.
Is it a Foxsat HDR? If so then: Firstly, have you taken off the inner screen protective sheet from under the flap? It's hard to see. Secondly, scrape off the greyish lacquer coating on the inside of the round IR window. It will then spring into life.
And as a direct answer. Harmony.
Well -**** me I always thought that the -Sat was always - just slow... I've just scraped the protective sheet off - it's been there for years. DUH!
I have both Foxsat and Fox T2s in use and find the terrestrial units more convenient to use (fewer channels to work through and load from power off).
Now I'll review...

I'm a fan of the OFA 796* series of remotes good value and nice to use. Often available from Currys for £10-12
I'm using HDR-FOXes (which don't have the same function), not Foxsat-HDRs. However, Schedule >> Red would be a macro function and I'm not sure they can just be assigned to any button you like.
Yes, that one is programmable to do whatever you want. It is usually used to power everything up and select the appropriate default source.

I'm not a Foxsat user and am not familiar with its custom firmware, but on the HD/HDR-FOX we have virtual remote control technology which can assign macro functions to handset buttons - obviously you have to choose a button you don't normally use, eg Sleep, Sub, Language. The custom firmware then intercepts the RC input and substitutes a macro sequence for it.
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