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Recording directly into a subdirectory or NAS/USB drive


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Many users don't like the recording directory structure imposed by Humax for series recordings and use tools like Sweeper to move recordings after completion into folders structures more to their liking or to other USB / NAS disks.
But it has not been possible to write the recording directly to another folder or disk without needing to copy it.

Prompted by posts in another thread I wondered what would happen if I created a symlink in place of the series folder so I gave it a go
mkdir ABC/XYZ
ln -s ABC/XYZ "Four in a Bed"
And it worked
although the status messages shows playing rather than recording.

The webif does show active recording in progress
The Alias folder does not appear in the Humax SUI media list
but you can see the recording in the target folder where it shows without the red recording dot.
Chase playing is possible but, because the Humax doesn't recognise it as an active recording, skipping and fast forward are only available in the first part of the programme (same restrictions as detectads chase play)
Auto decryption and I presume other auto- functions work, but no detectads chaserun processing since recmon doesn't monitor folders where recording don't normally start.

Emboldened by my success I then tried writing to a NAS drive and that also worked
ln -s /media/[NAS-Videos]/123 "Four in a Bed"
Playback from the NAS seemed to be problem free but for a more thorough test I should use HD rather than SD and record something that I can actually tolerate watching!

One problem is that many of the webif processes assume that intermediate files can be written to working folders on the local disk and moved to the final destination with a quick mv command but it is unnecessary, undesirable and slow to move a file across the nework just to put it into the dustbin!

I haven't tried with a USB disk yet but I imagine the results would be similar

This technique wont work with one-off recordings unfortunately


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Many thanks for starting this thread

I use Remote Scheduler to search for programmes for watching later when there is little of interest being broadcast, however one particular annoyance is some programmes on some channels are broadcast many times throughout the day, then repeated at the weekend, resulting in a flood of files filling a folder quite quickly

It would be nice to have someway of directing these recordings to more meaningful folder, weekend, weekday, morning, afternoon, evening or midnight for those repeats showing during the early hours

Should such a facility become a reality, maybe the setup could look at the synopsis of the programme and find the S1, S2 etc references referring to series 1, series 2 and direct these in to sub folders, as I am able to create an RS search string to filter from an EPG list that contain certain text phrases, so if a programme is being repeated on another channel, or repeats start being reshown, they would be ignored in favour of the new series which matches your chosen 'S' number found in the synopsis
My Humax Fox T2 has the auto decrypt and auto shrink installed and has no problem processing recordings that have been manually moved in to sub-folders, though I am not saving across a network, not sure why it would be advisable to save across a network before at least decrypting
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I would agree that Sweeper is the way to go if you want a fairly complex distribution of recordings over folders, and it is available now.
Also look at dedup for automatic duplicate episode removal.

If, and it is still a big if, we can do anything with this idea it would start in a small way with the ability to use the 'change folder' option of the Webif/RS schedule pages to specify a directory path rather a simple folder name. It would be static for a series and not something to be changed frequently.
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Also look at dedup for automatic duplicate episode removal.
Unfortunately, 'dedup' fails when the broadcast programme has the same synopsis across each different episode, have a look at 'Bless This House', some episodes have series and episode numbers, others just have a generic explanation of the series as a whole, resulting in 'dedup' processing every single following episode as a duplicate

Then there is the scenario of another channel broadcasting their offerings with the incorrect synopsis, (the written synopsis does not match the episode title shown during the open titles), again leading to all kinds of headaches

I tried 'sweeper', gave up, overly involved and complicated

Surely, as the series linked recordings are being directed to a named sub-folder, is it possible to be a bit more specific as to which sub or sub-sub-folder

In the Remote Scheduling web page, under the pop-down option 'more', far right column, passed duration > mode, the drop-down menu shows 'Change Folder', being able to have this configured at the time RS flags the programme as a search match to be recorded, then somehow have four times zones for a day, 1) Morning, 2) Afternoon, 3) Evening and 4) Midnight, representing 6am to noon, noon to 6pm, 6pm to midnight and midnight to 6am
I tried 'sweeper', gave up, overly involved and complicated
This kind of thing is exactly what sweeper is for. The rules you want are already overly involved and complicated, so you need that kind of sophistication. The alternative (if it can be made to work at all) is to have some kind of cron task remapping symlinks according to your desired schedule.

The destination folder for series recordings tapped into by WebIF and RS manipulates the standard Humax scheduling database, which only accepts a destination folder for series recordings (not individual recordings or manual recordings), and only accepts one layer deep under My Video. Any symlink to anywhere else would have to make the standard Humax firmware "think" it was recording to the normal place.

sweeper lets you set rules so that recordings matching user-defined criteria (eg time windows) can be queued for processing and/or moved to somewhere else (unrestricted folder tree) and/or renamed to your heart's content. It ain't that hard, you just have to decide to get your head around it.

As an aside: personally, I would be hesitant to record across my home network - it's too unreliable!
As an aside: personally, I would be hesitant to record across my home network - it's too unreliable!
Had already said 'not sure why it would be advisable to save across a network before at least decrypting', due to 'though I am not saving across a network', if the remote mount point was not mounted, then a failed recording would result

Well, I've just reinstalled 'sweeper', and as I remembered, totally baffling, not got a clue where to start, can't work out what to put where to do what, any chance of some assistance please

My scenario is:-

I record 'programme1' which starts recording a 9am weekdays, which is the previous working (not weekend) day repeat, then at noon, today's episode is broadcast, I would like to move the earlier recording to a folder named 'media/My Video/programme1/Morning episodes' and leave today's episode where it was recorded, if it is possible, move today's recording when watched to a 'watched' folder
Thank you Black Hole, I tried a test condition, I've managed to get as far as creating a rule that checks the time of recording is after 6am and is before 11am and moves the result to a defined sub-sub-folder, but it is checking all recordings at the root level, eg 'My Video', not in the series link sub-folder, help
Playback from the NAS seemed to be problem free but for a more thorough test I should use HD rather than SD and record something that I can actually tolerate watching!
As an aside: personally, I would be hesitant to record across my home network - it's too unreliable!

Well I tried this morning recording two HD programmes simultaneously and watching one of them via chase play and both recordings are flawless with no picture or sound breakups at all.

N.B. Both Humax and NAS have wired connection to the router so no wif-fi involved
Well I tried this morning recording two HD programmes simultaneously and watching one of them via chase play and both recordings are flawless with no picture or sound breakups at all.
I wonder if recording to network might make things more reliable as the local disk is not involved at all then, and it is this that seems to be the cause of the breakup problems people see.
I've measured a peak of about 60 Mb/s when spooling at x32 using Foxlink between two HDRs, so a Gigabit network should cope just fine with normal recordings.

It's a shame the AOE and NBD stuff I was playing with a few years ago newer went anywhere, and no-one else seemed interested in helping.
Thank you Black Hole, I tried a test condition, I've managed to get as far as creating a rule that checks the time of recording is after 6am and is before 11am and moves the result to a defined sub-sub-folder, but it is checking all recordings at the root level, eg 'My Video', not in the series link sub-folder, help
When you add a new rule you want the File and files within Folder option, alternatively you can create sweeper rules for a specific folder by clicking on 'Sweeper rules' at the bottom of the Browse page for the folder (this reduces overhead of looking at all recordings)

Also do you need to record all of these potentially duplicate recordings?
Most broadcasters who repeat the same series multiple times a day or week uses a different series CRID for each showing so you would have multiple entries for the programme in your recording schedule which could be deleted or assigned different folder names.

Remote Scheduling also has advanced rules (using Sweeper style logic) that already allow you to specify advanced conditions
Here are a couple that I prepared earlier to only record certain series of a programme and only the late evening news.

What isn't currently available in RS and which would be a useful addition is the ability when 'Scheduling matching series' to specify the folder name to be used.
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I wonder if recording to network might make things more reliable as the local disk is not involved at all then, and it is this that seems to be the cause of the breakup problems people see.
So where do you think the bottleneck is: the actual hard drive, the SATA controller, the CPU not being able to keep up with shovelling data to and from the SATA controller or something else? I agree that network recording is an interesting experiment as it takes the hard drive and the SATA controller out of the equation (but introduces the network infrastructure).
Thank you for continued input

I've now created a rule within the series created folder of the programme I wish to do housekeeping, but...

When does(do) the rule(s) get processed

Can't seem to find within 'sweeper' the option to enter a CRID

Is there a way to duplicate an already created rule, and just a minor change

If others are setting preferences for 'sweeper' to process their own recordings, how about a library of already created rules that 'sweeper' could load, obviously there would need to be an export option
When does(do) the rule(s) get processed
Immediately a programme finishes recording and periodically as defined in your auto-processing settings
Can't seem to find within 'sweeper' the option to enter a CRID
The crid and other information from the epg are not stored with recordings so not available, the title and synopsis could be different from the epg!
Is there a way to duplicate an already created rule, and just a minor change
Duplicate rule is between dustbin and up arrow at top right of rule
If others are setting preferences for 'sweeper' to process their own recordings, how about a library of already created rules that 'sweeper' could load, obviously there would need to be an export option
There are some sample rules available at the bottom of the page and also an edit button to allow cut and paste
Then: Move recording to folder (creating if necessary) /media/My Video/FolderName
And: Stop processing rules.

Otherwise: Continue to next rule.

If you record lots of daily repeat courtesy of Remote Scheduling, having set up the first rule to process via a 'series' search in the synopsis or based on the time of the recording, what happens to the next rule if the previous rule is successful or indeed is not successful