New Member
Ok - doesn't seem to be in safe mode - what should I do?
mkdir /mod/tmp
mkdir /mod/tmp
touch /mod/tmp/rs.log
You probably can change the version of Twonky on your NAS, it's just that you don't know how. You definitely need Content Share turned on if you want to use the custom firmware decryption facilities. For the time being, I suggest you don't run your NAS and the Humax at the same time, or put them on different network subnets (I'm not certain, but I think it could be arranged so that the NAS and the Humax can't see each other, but everything else can see both, using subnet masks. Anybody else able to comment?).Well, can't change my NAS version so that's me scuppered then. If I forget about sharing files off the Humax will my RS start working then? Also, I take it that's the same regardless of whether it's the Humax DLNA server or the MediaTomb one?
(PS: af123, it would be easy enough to have a mktmp diagnostic wouldn't it?)
Running: general
*** Directory Structure ***
Checking /mod partition type : Pass
Checking /mod filesystem type : Pass
Checking the /mod/tmp directory exists : Fixed
Checking /mod/var/opkg/tmp is a directory : Pass
Checking /mod/boot is a symlink : Pass
Checking /var/lib/humaxtv/mod is a directory : Pass
Checking /var/lib/humaxtv_backup/mod is a directory : Pass
Checking /mod/boot/2 is a symlink : Pass
Checking /mod/boot links correctly : Pass
Checking /mod/boot/2 links correctly : Pass