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Recordings in Remote Scheduling remain queued despite reboots.

You wouldn't know, except that some custom packages won't be working. It's no good trying to sort that out if it is still rebooting immediately after start-up, but once that is corrected you need to go to the WebIF diagnostics page and run the fix-flash-packages diagnostic (select from the drop-down list).

Regarding the rebooting, try turning off the DLNA server (temporarily - you will lose WebIF decryption while it is off) and see if that cures it. Report back.

Menu >> Settings >> System >> Internet Setting >> Content Share = Off

Several people have had problems which have turned put to be a missing folder on disk. This needs Telnet access to cure (it can be done by FTP, but you would need to ensure the native FTP server is turned off and the custom package betaftpd installed). Telnet is a useful proficiency to have - see Wiki notes HERE (click).

To get into Telnet you will need to enter your system PIN ("0000" by default), then select the "cli" option from the menu. At the command prompt, type:
mkdir /mod/tmp
If it is not missing after all, there should be an error message reporting that it already exists. Otherwise the mkdir command should create it for you and hopefully everything will be well after that.
Scary - its-like-you-know-what-you're=doing :)
turned off the DLNA which fixed the rebooting, ran the diagnostic, the results seemed ok (wasn't allowed to post)

Shall I turn DLNA back on a see if it works ?:
If turning the DLNA back on brings the re-booting problem back, there are a few things that you can try. The Humax DLNA server won't work with certain other packages running on devices connected to the same network, the most common problem is encountered when running Twonky Ver 7, See notes HERE
Right - so that'll be me running TwonkyServer Premium 7.0.9 on my NAS then. So, we're basically saying I can't share files from the Humax and run Twonky? Is that why my RS isn't working too then?
You can use Twonky Ver 5 /6 but not Ver. 7. Setting up Telnet and checking for / creating /mod/tmp is probably the solution to getting Remote Scheduler working, did you try that?
Well, can't change my NAS version so that's me scuppered then. If I forget about sharing files off the Humax will my RS start working then? Also, I take it that's the same regardless of whether it's the Humax DLNA server or the MediaTomb one?

Thanks for your help BTW!
The DLNA server on the Humax is also used to decrypt files on the Humax so turning it off permanently will stop decryption working on the Web-if. Getting the RS working is not really linked the the DNLA server, I'm guessing you can't see the rs.log in the WiKi >> Diagnostics >> View Log Files HERE, If so you need to
set up Telnet and send the following commands
mkdir /mod/tmp
touch /mod/tmp/rs.log
Well, can't change my NAS version so that's me scuppered then. If I forget about sharing files off the Humax will my RS start working then? Also, I take it that's the same regardless of whether it's the Humax DLNA server or the MediaTomb one?
You probably can change the version of Twonky on your NAS, it's just that you don't know how. You definitely need Content Share turned on if you want to use the custom firmware decryption facilities. For the time being, I suggest you don't run your NAS and the Humax at the same time, or put them on different network subnets (I'm not certain, but I think it could be arranged so that the NAS and the Humax can't see each other, but everything else can see both, using subnet masks. Anybody else able to comment?).

With the NAS off-line, you can then go about sorting out your Humax problems, which begin with running the fix-flash-packages diagnostic and then creating the /mod/tmp directory, as per post 42.

(PS: af123, it would be easy enough to have a mktmp diagnostic wouldn't it?)
i had this problem with twonky 7 as well, and decided to stop using it. You shoud be able to disable it on the NAS. I'm still able to stream all my TV and films from the NAS to any other device - you just access it in a different way... might be worth considering!
...and that's done..

Running: general
*** Directory Structure ***
Checking /mod partition type                                : Pass
Checking /mod filesystem type                              : Pass
Checking the /mod/tmp directory exists                      : Fixed
Checking /mod/var/opkg/tmp is a directory                  : Pass
Checking /mod/boot is a symlink                            : Pass
Checking /var/lib/humaxtv/mod is a directory                : Pass
Checking /var/lib/humaxtv_backup/mod is a directory        : Pass
Checking /mod/boot/2 is a symlink                          : Pass
Checking /mod/boot links correctly                          : Pass
Checking /mod/boot/2 links correctly                        : Pass
Great. Now if anyone is having these non-running type problems we can instruct them to run the general diagnostic.
It's the default diagnostic too so it's just a matter of going to the diagnostics page and clicking Run Diagnostic.
All, thanks for your help. Black Hole is very likely right about me changing Twonky on my NAS (a Zylex NSA325) but I did the next best thing after finding a post regarding installing Serviio on it - no idea what I was doing but followed the cmd line instructions and, flabbergasted (due to my lack of Linux) that it worked. So, switched off Twonky, using Serviio - no more rebooting of the Humax. Then, as previously described (and before af123 fixed it in the general diagnostic) added the missing directory/file and my RS is happily working too. Excellent.

Have a couple of other queries but will create a new post if I can't find the answers... Thanks again for all your help!