The TDA9984A HDMI o/p chip isn't meant to support 1920x540, so I suppose something must have made its 1080i seem like 540p.Last week's fault was the TV reporting a signal of 1920x540 from the HDR (can't remember the frame rate) and indeed it was.
A half screen of green vertically centred and the rest of the machine dead. Power off and on cured. Never seen that one before.
At least the tuner from which the EPG and TV out is derived developed twisted underwear and then worked again after power cycling. Is that surprising?Today's fault on a different remote one: no reception and therefore eventually no WebIf EPG despite the machine having been to sleep several times since it last worked.
Power off and on cured and EPG now working. I didn't think the front panel had anything to do with the tuners on the main board, so how does this happen?