Now Available in the beta repository samba 3.6.25-1. This is a cut down version of samba 3 even though the executable is still 10M. It seems to work on my box without crashing and doesn't appear to make much difference to the memory usage figures (vmstat). I tried to build samba 4 but no luck so far.
If there has been a previous version of samba installed, the smb.conf file will not be overwritten, a new one will be created as smb.conf-opkg.
It will need copying to smb.conf to use the new configuration. This new configuration has the SMB2 protocol enabled and some changes to enable username/password authentication to access the files. By default this will be username=root with no (empty) password unless it had been changed previously using the smbpasswd utility.
If there has been a previous version of samba installed, the smb.conf file will not be overwritten, a new one will be created as smb.conf-opkg.
It will need copying to smb.conf to use the new configuration. This new configuration has the SMB2 protocol enabled and some changes to enable username/password authentication to access the files. By default this will be username=root with no (empty) password unless it had been changed previously using the smbpasswd utility.