Since we'll all be locked in our houses, Coronavirus

Not sure if it was just my wise choice of choosing to wait until the afternoon of Easter Monday but I guess I will find out next time.
I've been to Tesco and Lidl today. Both much quieter than last week and fairly well stocked - except for hand gel and ice cream ... Very strange :dunno:

Most hoarding has finished now and people are back to buying fairly normal amounts though I suspect a lot of people stocked up for the Easter weekend anyway. They also may not have realised shops would be open today.

But don't worry - when the TwitteratI are told there are limited supplies of (eg) avocados there will be pandemonium again :whistling:
I have been doing a weekly shop first thing on a Monday, but I put that off to Tuesday this week thinking Easter might have disrupted things. Maybe that was a mistake.
How many people believe major supply chains will be relocated away from the commies in China? In due course
well, if mr macron says that france will, from food to pharma, I think all the west will. the commies have got it coming to them. good to see that my predicting sense has not left me, yet.
Memories are short and money talks, so I don't think there will be a massive change in the longer term.
But China has definitely not done itself any favours and I certainly hope they might clamp down on their plundering of the animal kingdom in future.
Oh wait, the germans are saying just the same.
We need to discuss right degree of globalization. For medicines & protective gear we shouldn't be that dependent on other regions. Security more important than economic efficiency
Memories are short and money talks, so I don't think there will be a massive change in the longer term.
But China has definitely not done itself any favours and I certainly hope they might clamp down on their plundering of the animal kingdom in future.
Well, I truly want to see the first NHS chief organizing his supply chain from China when the press get hold of him.
Well, I truly want to see the first NHS chief organizing his supply chain from China when the press get hold of him.
Would you be happy for £xxx to be diverted from healthcare to pay for more expensive PPE from non-Chinese companies?
The press would pillory him/her for that too.
Would you be happy for £xxx to be diverted from healthcare to pay for more expensive PPE from non-Chinese companies?
The press would pillory him/her for that too.
it sounds as though the germans and the French would and so would we. as it has been proven you just cannot trust the chinese
For once I am in agreement with Trump :eek:

The WHO was too credulous of the Chinese reports and too slow to investigate and act.
The WHO was too credulous of the Chinese reports and too slow to investigate and act.
I've not tried to research this but superficially that looks true.

However, I don't know that WHO has any actual authority to go barging into other countries uninvited, so may be avoiding outright criticism of China so they are still given some access. It's not ideal but absent a world authority with actual teeth it may be as good as it gets for now.

This catastrophe is going to hurt China, beyond the immediate health aspects, as many people and countries will reduce their purchasing from them. Maybe their government will open up a bit more to try and gain some trust.
no they don't
You are inconsistent.

Also you should capitalise names and other proper nouns. Acronyms are also normally capitalised unless they have become embedded in the language (like radar). Since WHO is an acronym of a proper name it should always be capitalised.
It also helps avoid confusion.

Not that you give a damn of course.