Since we'll all be locked in our houses, Coronavirus

I do owe you an explanation since you all helped me so much here:

it is just a forum on the internet. this is not my uni disso or an article submitted for publication. remember, just a forum so put down that bazooka
Will everybody stop feeding the troll.
He's going in the kill-file now. Only the second person, after Gobshite.
Perhaps he is gobshite.
And as a matter of semantics, to which BH usually subscribes vociferously. WHO is an initialism not an acronym. An acronym is pronounced as a word, such as NASA, and mihaid's non capitalisation of WHO was what started all this off as it was (deliberately, by me, knowing full well what he actually meant after having to think about it because it wasn't capitalised) taken to be the word 'who'.
Will everybody stop feeding the troll.
He's going in the kill-file now. Only the second person, after Gobshite.

what is the mind process that triggers the lefties to be so violent? killfile now? what next?

mihaid's non capitalisation of WHO was what started all this off as it was (deliberately, by me, knowing full well what he actually meant after having to think about it .

I knew you were playing with me. so now I can add you too to the got it in one list.

rather proves my point that capitals are not indispensable.
Not indispensable, I agree. BUT common manners decrees that you should write in easily comprehended English, and that includes correct capitalisation as this usually enables the reader to more easily understand what you are getting at.
Not to do this when sufficiently educated, is just sloppy writing and is just plain rude to your readers. I did say that it took me a double take or two to twig what you were going on about with who.
Not indispensable, I agree. BUT common manners decrees that you should write in easily comprehended English, and that includes correct capitalisation

who, sic, says so?

it turned out that no one REALLY had problems understanding what i said, therefore it was easily comprehended English.

you have to agree.

and besides, our little exchange was quite clever and funny, dare i say.
who, sic, says so?

it turned out that no one REALLY had problems understanding what i said, therefore it was easily comprehended English.

you have to agree.

and besides, our little exchange was quite clever and funny, dare i say.

I agree with Trev, if you are sufficiently educated to write a coherent passage, it serves no purpose to deliberately downplay your education.
I'm not stupid, but I couldn't make head or tail of your 'who' comment for a while, nor did the sentence make sense.

You did reference that it is not a 'uni disso', good job too, as you wouldn't have made it past the first reading.

I think your grammatically incorrect posts are written deliberately to provoke a reaction, and it obviously works particularly with the highly educated members of this exceptional (not just another) forum.
Many times I've found text without punctuation, bad spelling, and incorrect grammar difficult or time-consuming to understand, so whether I bother depends on what time I have available and what mood I'm in. I advise application of proper written English as an aid to communication - whether you want to is up to you, but frankly if you don't you just come over as ignorant, disrespectful, and arrogant... which is why you keep getting picked on.

It's no different than being impolite in verbal communication - maybe OK if you're out with the lads, but not OK if you are asking your elders for help.

Newbies' Guide to the Forum (click)
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whether you want to is up to you, but frankly if you don't you just come over as ignorant and arrogant... which is why you keep getting picked on.

Newbies' Guide to the Forum (click)
God, it's good to read what people say when they're at their normal self. surely these "rules" apply to anyone on this forum, even bh

Learn to disregard how people express themselves, and look for the message underneath. If you can't do that and it all gets too much, stop reading
You did reference that it is not a 'uni disso', good job too, as you wouldn't have made it past the first reading.
how does this follow from what i said? it is superfluous since it says exactly what i said. it is not a uni disso.

as to the "another forum" comment. i have several times said/thanked many contributors on this forum who helped me and hopefully know, since we're among highly educated, that i do not think it's an insignificant forum. what i meant and said is that this is LITERALLY just another forum, not a disso. i also implored you not to pickup that bazooka. :rolling:
"what is the mind process that triggers the lefties to be so violent? killfile now? what next?"

Why is it that anyone who disagrees with this type of dickhead is automatically branded as being left wing? It might fool the rednecks in Trumpland but here it only clarifies the accuser is without doubt a bell end.
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"what is the mind process that triggers the lefties to be so violent? killfile now? what next?"

Why is it that anyone who disagrees with this type of dickhead is automatically branded as being left wing? It might fool the rednecks in Trumpland but here it only clarifies the accuser is without doubt a bell end.

nope, not even an attempt to answer. add to that insults = classic case :rolling:
"nope, not even an attempt to answer. add to that insults = classic "

I wrote "this" not your so obviously I was not wanting a reply from you let alone one that was gibberish,

Edit. Too late to edit your post now :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:.
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Morrisons said:
We received details from the Government of the 35,000 clinically vulnerable and shielding customers we’re most concerned need help now... For those who aren’t familiar with online technology we’ve set up a call centre that customers can phone and place an order from a list of 46 items that their local store Community Champion will deliver to them at home the next day, where they can pay by contactless payment to minimise contact.

How long has that taken - 4 weeks? But what about the reasonably-well but very elderly who don't make it onto that list?
How long has that taken - 4 weeks? But what about the reasonably-well but very elderly who don't make it onto that list?
You're right. Social Housing landlords are just as bad. Given that my mother is 90, you'd think she'd be on a list. The landlord must know her age. Yesterday was the first time anyone from any external body (ie. the landlord) has contacted her to see if she is managing. She hadn't a clue what they were talking about! How fortunate I've appropriated her bankcard and do my donkey impression to get the supplies in.