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.ts files unplayable


New Member

I recently installed custom firmware on my T2. I am able to download the .ts files onto my Mac and Android tablet fine, but when I try to play them I get nothing - a blank screen and busy animation, in mplayer and VLC which normally work on ts files from the 9200. Can anyone tell me what the problem might be? They are standard def (not encrypted) and any way I have installed auto-decrypt package.


Transferred via FTP and Samba, still unplayable. Using latest custom firmware as of last weekend.
What symbols do you have against the non playing files :-


You need the 'DEC' symbol to be present. auto-decrypt only works between 1 and 6 AM and if the Humax is not in standby during these hours, so the files are probably still encrypted
Not the standard def ones though, they are stored unencrypted (correct me if I'm wrong), and these were all SD recordings.

It says in the auto-decrypt notes that it will decrypt any recordings present at install time immediately. As to the timing of the subsequent action, can I assume there will be an entry in crontab, so can I look that up and call it manually using the command in the table?
Ah. Ok I think I see. You said in answer to another topic that SD recordings are encrypted too. That fits. So what is the easiest way to manually trigger auto-decrypt? Crontab command, or is there something in webif that can do it?
This is what you need :-


If you replace 1,31 1-6 * * * with 1,31 * * * * in the unencrypt line, it will run every 1 Min and 31 mins past the hour, However this was changed because of possible CPU loading problems so beware. The editor is in the Web-If under Diagnostics >> File Editor. You will also need a Humax restart
Ah rightho, thanks! And I can run it direct from a telnet session just before downloading. Easy.

What a neat gadget it is!
Don't forget you need auto-unprotect running before unencrypt will be able to do its job.

Yes, everything is stored encrypted when recorded, but there is no need to decrypt it if you are copying to a PC or the like - as long as auto-unprotect has cleared the Enc flag you can use the WebIF OPT+ menu "download" option to receive a file decrypted on the fly.

ap is running, Black Hole, but the unencrypt command is not in my crontab. All I have is the anacron line. Gas something gone wrong, or have I just not installed the correct packages?
You need to run "unencryptsetup" to install the crontab entry.

It defaults to decrypting all the files, but you can give it a specific directory if you want to experiment.
ap is running, Black Hole, but the unencrypt command is not in my crontab. All I have is the anacron line. Gas something gone wrong, or have I just not installed the correct packages?
From the Wiki Unencrypt
This function will unencrypt all files in a designated directory (or all files in My Video) automatically, Files are de-crypted at the same location e.g. 'decrypt in place' and are processed at the rate of one file every 30 Mins. max. so don't expect instant results
To setup Unencrypt install the package and then via Telnet enter one of the lines below :-
unencryptsetup "Bob's Videos" HIDE process a single directory
unencryptsetup HIDE process all files in 'My Video'
unencryptsetup disable HIDE Turn off unencrypt
This will update the cron table and schedule the program to run every 30 minutes (at Mins 01 and 31) indefinitely. Every time it runs, it will check that there isn't already another job running and then decrypt the first encrypted file that it finds in the directory you specified, therefore gradually working its way through your files, If you don't specify a directory, it will default to decrypting all of your recordings.
  • Due to CPU overloading this feature only works between 1AM and 6AM the Humax must be out of standby during this time using an Auto On / Auto off timer
  • Auto-Unprotect must be running
  • Media sharing must = on
  • Set-up Telnet as follows :- Putty Configuration >> Catagory = Telnet >> return Key sends Telnet New Line instead of ^M should be 'un-Ticked' (or if using Windows Telnet use "unset crlf" before opening the session)
Sorry but (at the time of writing) that's not accurate. Foxy and WebIF clear Enc make a HiDef recording decryptable by USB copy, but all the other decryption methods require auto-unprotect. The reason is that Foxy/WebIF only clear the Enc flag, but to stream by DLNA unprotected (which is the mechanism by which downloads and decrypt-in-place work) needs the database to be tweaked as well. The Enc flag is only half the story.
af123 : I thought that the Web-IF >> OPT+ >> Toggle ENC option was changed to do a 'one-off' Auto-unprotect function, was this done?
af123 : I thought that the Web-IF >> OPT+ >> Toggle ENC option was changed to do a 'one-off' Auto-unprotect function, was this done?
No. I'm going to remove the Toggle ENC option from the web interface in the next release. Let's keep it simple. If you want to be able to treat HD files in the same way as SD ones, install auto-unprotect.

I think the database update code is the only bit of auto-unprotect that's still mine : )
You could have a separate start point HD >> Foxy >> Remote Control OPT+ Copy.

No I couldn't, because Remote Control OPT+ Copy leads to Virtual Drive, which is a Custom Firmware only option that makes Foxy redundant
Enc Toggle has been removed
Redundant, yes. Invalid - no!

No. I'm going to remove the Toggle ENC option from the web interface in the next release. Let's keep it simple. If you want to be able to treat HD files in the same way as SD ones, install auto-unprotect.

I think that's the wrong way. Having a WebIF click-to-unlock option would save installing auto-unprotect if one only wanted the occasional decrypt, and something we could easily instruct the casual user to do.
That flow chart looks good to me now - maybe indicate that media sharing has to be enabled for the left hand branch to be viable?