I installed the custom firmware this afternoon and I'm trying out the download options, figured it would be useful to watch some recorded programmes on laptop whilst on the move, but I'm not having any luck playing .ts files despite following some of the instructions in this thread.
I first use OPT+ in the Web Interface and selected download, this was a 2.6MB/sec transfer and the resulting 23.TS file was unplayable in WMP and VLC.
I then manually decrypted the recording then downloaded it, this time it was a 10MB/sec transfer but still unplayable. The filename was Episodes_20120615_2203.ts this time.
I'm not sure why the Shrink icon is there, I never shrunk it yet. Is there something else I should have done beforehand to make the file playable?
Also, will the resulting file have subtitles if I fix the issue with unplayable .ts files? Not worth pursuing this if it doesn't.
Edit: I also tried the copy to USB function when I didn't have custom firmware, the file would play, but VLC would crash when I manually seeked to the programme start, presumably the subtitle stream causing this crash?