That sounds good Thanks.@brian - I've found the bug in the code so will push up a fixed version tonight, thanks for the report!
It only affects things deleted from the top level as I thought.
That sounds good Thanks.Will I have to upgrade using Telnet? I am working late, so I won't be able to do this until after midnight.
In the meantime I have emptied the dustbin folder and started again to see what happens.
Error>> Cannot support video format
[DI_MEDIA_Probe] Error - Fail in P_MEDIA_ProbeOpen
I can't actually play the files at all, is this the designed behavior?
Not currently, but I've never found that necessary (unlike the Foxsat), for example the Flatten script doesn't do that and seems to work ok. I've tested here and the files I delete resume fine and are playable with no problems, but I'm using undelete version 0.2 which may be the difference.Is the file path within the hmt file changed when a file is moved to the dustbin?
I tried this earlier, and don't think that anything has changed. What should I see in the dustbin? I would have expected to just see the normal single line program entry.Run the upgrade_dustbin diagnostic and reboot to get the new version (I've updated the original post too so that it points to the latest version).
This new version works properly when deleting things from the top level + some other small fixes and a couple of optimisations.
My "/var/log/humaxtv.log" does not contain any reference to Dustbin at all.No it doesn't - does the first line in your humaxtv.log show Dustbin version 0.2 ?
I have just upgraded via Telnet, and my humaxtv.log now shows Dustbin version 0.2, and my webif package management is now showing "undelete 0.2".I would try the upgrade again from the command line if possible (diag upgrade_dustbin)
I am now seeing this behaviour since upgrading to 0.2.Updated but still being funny, post-delete the files are always 84mb. This recording I was able to play ok but only the first 2 mins/84mb worth. Playback stops before the end of the time bar, it's expecting more but just bombs out to the media browser.
I am now seeing this behaviour since upgrading to 0.2.
I then deleted it, and the file size has reduced to 80.00 MiB (webif) or 83,886,080 bytes (FileZilla), and it now plays for only 2 mins.