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[unencrypt] Decrypt-in-place

You can setup unencrypt to run on a single folder, e.g. create a folder called 'My-Decrypt' and then move file into it to be decrypted. There will be an 'Original' folder that should contain your 'Olympics Opening Ceremony' file before it was worked on by the decryption
I *think* you can use the WebIF to set auto-decrypt on the My Video folder (browse media files, then go up a level to the Media folder, and click the OPT+ button for My Video). This sets up decryption for anything in My Video but not folders within it.
I *think* you can use the WebIF to set auto-decrypt on the My Video folder (browse media files, then go up a level to the Media folder, and click the OPT+ button for My Video). This sets up decryption for anything in My Video but not folders within it.
Yep, and it's written in such a way that if there's a power off in the middle then it just restarts the file it was working on next time it's booted.

Note that this is functionality built into the web interface package and is separate to unencrypt
Unencrypt has been working fine for me for a while, although at the start I did not twig that the box needs to be out of standby.

Yesterday it seems that unencrypt was disturbed during its process on a HD recording and processed half of the file (compared the filname1.encrypted and filename1.ts values which were 3GB and 1.5GB respectivly).

There are now 5 files filename1 .ts/.encrypted/.hmt (and two more I forget the extensions)

Running unencrypt again does not process the recording again.

Any ideas to get the full recording unencrypted?

On a side note another recording had finished decrypting but left the 263.ts behind (there was a correct filename2.ts which had the same exact file size as 263.ts). Running unencrypt it says 263.hmt not found.


nnn.ts is the file name as served by the DLNA server, it gets captured as that by the unencrypt process and then the original file is deleted and the nnn.ts is renamed to match. So if you have an nnn.ts but not a filename.ts, rename the nnn.ts and you should be good to go (although there might be a problem with the flags).
Ok then my next question is if one renames the filename.encrypted to filename.ts how do you change the flag so that it can be re-decrypted?
Is it possible to specify unencrypt to only run on the My Videos folder and not any sub folders below that (e.g. Duplicates and Deleted Items in my case)?
Also, what is the procedure if it is decrypting when the unit is put in standby?
I have a recording of the Olympics Opening Ceremony which is in the media list but is only 14Mb in size, and only plays the first minute or so. Previously, before decryption I'm guessing, I could view all of it although I don't know what the size of it was. There are no spurious number.ts files left over. Just out of interest really, not that bothered about the recording as watched most of it.
Ezra, thank you for asking - yes I do :)
I was beginning my debut post and my laptop had this wierd flip-out where most of the text disappeared in patches from the screen, and so working blind and attempting to get out of it, a blank post was inadvertently sent. Having spent numerous hours getting my laptop back to some kind of usable state, I'll try again.

As this is my first comprehensible post, I'd like to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who have developed this brilliant stuff and then made it so easily accessible. You guys rock! :cool:
IMHO, all the hummy champions deserve medals :D

I bought 1TB HDR-FOX T2 in Nov 2011, installed the custom firmware in Feb 2012 - no internet connection possible so did all via USB and was very pleased with the additional functionality of cutting, joining and series filer. Just bought second HDR-FOX T2 and invested in some HomePlugs so finally have network connection. Now have access to the web interface with lots more functionality and wow! Am very impressed.

For me the best feature is the ability to rename files with a keyboard instead of the slow remote control TV screen method.
Auto-shrink works great, its a great help to reduce memory usage.
However, I'm posting here because I have hit a glitch with Auto-decrypt, which seems to chime with:
I've noticed browsing my folders that there are lots of .encrypted files left behind

I set Auto-decrypt on a folder of 38 files (45GB total). Next day noticed that memory had been eaten up way faster than expected and when I checked via Samba, I saw that as well as the usual 'name'.ts plus sidecar files for each recording, I now had a fifth file that was shown as 'name'.encrypted and same size as .ts file. Multiplied by 38 files, the folder was now nearly 90GB in size.

These files seem to still work as part of the set, i.e. if you use 'Rename' it works on the .encrypted file too, if you do a manual individual recording 'shrink', the old file set including .encrypted is moved to the _original folder. However if you delete the file set, the .encrypted file remains as an orphan, invisible via TV or Web-IF Browse function - but using up valuable memory.

I have left it a few days in case some time-lagged process will tidy the .encrypted files away in the background, but they are still there, so I have stopped setting Auto-decrypt on any other folders for now.

So my question is:
a) Can I delete these .encrypted files via Samba with no ill-effect? and b) Is my installation of the software faulty, or been run wrongly (i.e. a one-off) - if so, how do I fix it ... or is the glitch in the process?
If you have access to Telnet you will be able to delete these orphaned files, but be careful, there is a unix saying that 'rm is forever' it's not like DOS
humax# cd '/media/My Video'
humax# pwd
/media/My Video
humax# ls -al
total 6756564
drwxr-xr-x 17 root root      4096 Aug  4 16:34 .
drwxr-xr-x  9 root root      4096 Aug  4 16:35 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root      13888 Aug  2 00:13 2000 YEAR OLD COMPUTER_20120801_2304.hmt
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    3119200 Aug  2 00:09 2000 YEAR OLD COMPUTER_20120801_2304.nts
-rw-r--r--  1 root root      43680 Aug  2 00:10 2000 YEAR OLD COMPUTER_20120801_2304.thm
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1386627072 Aug  2 00:09 2000 YEAR OLD COMPUTER_20120801_2304.ts
-rw-------  1 root root          0 Aug  4 16:34 dummy-file.encrypted
humax# rm dummy-file.encrypted
humax# ls -al
total 6756564
drwxr-xr-x 17 root root      4096 Aug  4 16:34 .
drwxr-xr-x  9 root root      4096 Aug  4 16:35 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root      13888 Aug  2 00:13 2000 YEAR OLD COMPUTER_20120801_2304.hmt
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    3119200 Aug  2 00:09 2000 YEAR OLD COMPUTER_20120801_2304.nts
-rw-r--r--  1 root root      43680 Aug  2 00:10 2000 YEAR OLD COMPUTER_20120801_2304.thm
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1386627072 Aug  2 00:09 2000 YEAR OLD COMPUTER_20120801_2304.ts

cd = change directory (to)
pwd = Print Working Directory or 'where am I'
ls -al = list (directory content)
rm = remove or delete
You can setup unencrypt to run on a single folder, e.g. create a folder called 'My-Decrypt' and then move file into it to be decrypted. There will be an 'Original' folder that should contain your 'Olympics Opening Ceremony' file before it was worked on by the decryption

Ezra, I was meaning to do it in place, i.e. set it to decrypt My Video, but not to do any sub folders.
You are correct, but I think anything with 'rm *' is far too dangerous to place on a thread such as this

Hmmm .... reminds me of a time, long ago, when someone wanted to delete some backup files to free up memory, and instead of typing " delete *.bkp ", typed " delete *.* " .... then left it to run overnight....... You can imagine the rest.
(It did achieve the aim of freeing up memory .... )

Anyway, thank you for your replies. I gather that you think I am safe to delete any .encrypted files with no ill-effect?

I have to admit I am not conversant with Telnet etc. Looking at that code makes me confuddled. (That's why I am so delighted that you guys developed the user friendly Web-IF)
Don't laugh, but for safety and familiarity, I was thinking I would go in via Samba, and highlight each .encrypted file whilst pressing Ctrl, and then delete the lot in one go. Yes, clicking 38 times is a faff - but wouldn't it achieve the goal? Or am I failing to understand something?
Thank you for your patience with me.
I was thinking I would go in via Samba, and highlight each .encrypted file whilst pressing Ctrl, and then delete the lot in one go. Yes, clicking 38 times is a faff - but wouldn't it achieve the goal? Or am I failing to understand something?

(Replying to my own posts now :rolleyes:

Better still, go in via Samba, sort by file type, highlight all .encrypted, then delete. Being a quick 2 clicks, instead of 38.

Or am I again missing something? Does the Telnet method work as it goes along, stopping the .encrypted files appearing in the first place?
I am still not clear whether my installation of Auto-decrypt is faulty, or if it's an overall glitch or whether actually it's meant to work that way so that there is a file to revert to in case of disasters?!
Again, thank you for your patience with me.
a) Can I delete these .encrypted files via Samba with no ill-effect?

Yes, as long as you're happy that the files still play.

and b) Is my installation of the software faulty, or been run wrongly (i.e. a one-off) - if so, how do I fix it ... or is the glitch in the process?
The .encrypted files are the old versions of the recordings that are encrypted and the new .ts file is the decrypted version. The .encrypted file should be moved to the dustbin (if undelete is installed) or deleted. There must be a problem with the process which I will investigate.
I've hit a problem with my recording of the Olympics closing ceremony (I was away for a few days). It claims to be 202 minutes on the info and the time bar, but breaks at 20 mins. On investigation the file is less than 900MB (StDef).

My suspicion is it has fallen foul of unencrypt. The next time the box booted was for my Weatherview probe, which actually broke that night for the first time since factory reset (presumably because the late-running OCC pushed it outside the AR acceptance window). So the box should have been on for about 45 mins. What if the unencrypt process was in the middle of decrypting and then the box shut down? I suppose there should be a .encrypted, but it is not listed even by FTP (and annoyingly the banner adverts in FTPSpriteFree stop me selecting [Recycle Bin] at the bottom of the list).

I had a look in the decrypt log. It is a long log, and it is hit and miss whether the whole log gets listed on the diagnostics page. At first it didn't, so I opened it in the editor and that was fine (says "processing OCC" but gives no detail). When I did the same again to have another look only the first few lines were listed, so I tried again and a few more lines were listed... it built up each time I re-opened (iPad/Safari). Then I opened it using the lister rather than the editor and it listed fully. Odd.

What I did notice though, is that unencrypt is processing [Recycle Bin] - I thought it was supposed to ignore []?