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[unencrypt] Decrypt-in-place

In the hope that it might save a few queries about why a recording can not be played over the network, could auto-unprotect be added to the list of dependencies?
Hi all,

I've recently added this package to my install and I've got it working fine when selecting a single folder to decrypt but I can't seem to get it to be set on the whole 'My Videos' folder.

I've been using putty and following the instructions on the wiki page but it just won't work for some reason and this would be the 3rd or 4th night it has failed. This is the log/code generated:


Not sure if this is correct or not but shouldn't the target say "/mnt/hd2/My Videos" as opposed to just "/mnt/hd2" as when selecting a specific folder to decrypt, that line will read "/mnt/hd2/My Videos/selected folder"?

That's the only thing I have noticed but hopefully I'm just missing something really obvious as it will be great to get this feature up and running on the whole HDD.

Many Thanks
Why do you think it is not working? Do you realise the default settings only trigger a decryption at 1 minute and 31 minutes past the hour, between 1am and 6am (providing the box is up and running)?

I have my cron job set for every 5 mins full time, the reason for the restricted running originally was to avoid loading the processor when it might be doing something else, but I don't have a problem. When you first set it up there will be several days while the backlog is cleared, and then decryption jobs only run as often as a recording gets completed.
You can look at the unencypt log to see what it has been doing by going to Web-If >> Diagnostics >> File editor >> /mod/tmp/unecrypt.log e.g. :-


Note :- that the cron runs at 1 and 31 mins past each hour from 1 to 6am if the Humax is on e.g. not in standby, if you want it to run during the day you can change the cron to 1,31 * * * * so it will run at 1 and 31 mins. past every hour it is on
Thanks for the reply Erza, I was unaware of the log reports and upon inspection, it does actually work for me but I presumed it would process the files alphabeticly so when checking my A folders it was looking like it was doing nothing!

I've been having a search on how to change this 'cron' thing as it would be great for it to run 24/7 but I'm not very up on these things at all. Is it as simple as editing the file under '/mod/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root' and replacing '1-6' with '*' becuase when I try this and telnet in after to get it set-up, it says the following line added:

1,31 1-6 * * *.....

And when I go back to check the file through the file editor, it will have reverted to the original with '1-6' instead of '*' even though I have been saving the file and also restarting after editing it.

Thanks again.
Yes, to change the times when the cron runs edit the file /mod/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root to look like the one in this Example HERE (Note:- the path after My Video/ may be different). You then need to put the Humax in stand-by and back into awake for the edited file to be used. After the re-boot you can Telnet into the Humax and enter crontab -l to get a current list of cron 'jobs'. The easyest way to edit the file is by using the Web-If file editor
Thanks for clarifying that Erza. I had been editing the file, restarting the box and then telnet'd in but used the 'unencryptsetup' command which I'm guessing sets the crontab to the default 1,31 1-6 * * * and so on irrespective of what I had already done to the 'root' file.

All up and running now and kindly borrowed some code from another thread and have now got it set up to run every 5 mins in order to clear the backlog which should be done now I've had it on for 24hrs!

Thanks for the help/advice Erza :)
Thanks for clarifying that Erza. I had been editing the file, restarting the box and then telnet'd in but used the 'unencryptsetup' command which I'm guessing sets the crontab to the default 1,31 1-6 * * * and so on irrespective of what I had already done to the 'root' file.

All up and running now and kindly borrowed some code from another thread and have now got it set up to run every 5 mins in order to clear the backlog which should be done now I've had it on for 24hrs!

Thanks for the help/advice Erza :)

Yes, as you say 'unencryptsetup' sets up (or overwrites) a cron job for unencrypt. You can change to */5 * * * * so that it will run every 5 Mins, but only one unencrypt is allowed at any one time, so if the last one is still in progress when a new 5 Min. cron time is reached, a new one won't be started. Because of this you don't gain much, it can take 30 mins to do one file
Yeah I get it now, thanks for the help as I thought 'unencryptsetup' was an initiate command so to speak but now see it is just a preset command that sets the 1-6 default.

I gather the one at a time thing, it's just that I had about 35GB of The Big Bang Theory that I wanted to whiz through as they only take about 3 mins in SD after they've been cropped. Certainly saved having to go through the WebIf one-by-one on them as cropping that many at once is tiresome enough!

Would there be any chance a similar feature to crop files be based upon this using nicesplice? EG put bookmarks on files to be cropped and then batch crop them so to speak or runs in the background like this looking for files bookmarked ready to be cropped and works at them one by one? Or am I just getting too lazy now?!
The web interface includes a similar feature that might be of interest. You can click the OPT+ button next to a folder and enable auto-decrypt to get them automatically decrypted in the background (very similar to the way in which the unencrypt package works but it's per folder and non-recursive (i.e. doesn't apply to sub-folders) and is all done via your browser).

You can also apply auto-shrink and auto-dedup in the same way. I saved 10GiB of disk space by auto-shrinking my own TBBT collection.

You might be interested in dedup with a series.helper file too which can rename your episodes to include the series and episode name - see http://hummy.tv/forum/posts/22117/
I've noticed browsing my folders that there are lots of .encrypted files left behind after I have deleted programmes using the UI. Presumably the native Humax software doesn't know to delete these since they are generated by the unencrypt process. Maybe when the process is running looking for files to unencrypt it could also check for the existence of orphaned .encrypted files and delete them if no matching .hmt file exists any longer?
Is it possible to specify unencrypt to only run on the My Videos folder and not any sub folders below that (e.g. Duplicates and Deleted Items in my case)?
Also, what is the procedure if it is decrypting when the unit is put in standby?
I have a recording of the Olympics Opening Ceremony which is in the media list but is only 14Mb in size, and only plays the first minute or so. Previously, before decryption I'm guessing, I could view all of it although I don't know what the size of it was. There are no spurious number.ts files left over. Just out of interest really, not that bothered about the recording as watched most of it.