[webif] Version 0.10.1 Released

Thanks for that, it works a treat.:) Are there any logs which should not be deleted?
No, can't think of any. Quite a few are cleared every time you boot anyway, others are cleared automatically when they hit a certain size (2MB I think). Manual clear shouldn't cause any problems although it might stop anything new being logged to them until you reboot in some cases.
it might stop anything new being logged to them until you reboot in some cases.

It would stop redring.log (only until a re-boot). I notice the X clear - delete, will work on any file called *.log under /mod/tmp, I have created a few extra ones called my-redring.log and redring-old.log and it works on them as well
No, can't think of any. Quite a few are cleared every time you boot anyway, others are cleared automatically when they hit a certain size (2MB I think). Manual clear shouldn't cause any problems although it might stop anything new being logged to them until you reboot in some cases.
OK thanks
Looks like it was an internet exporer 8 problem on windows xp.
Firefox worked as expected.

What do you get if you run the general diagnostic via the web interface? Does everything pass?
General diagnostic gives:
>>> Beginning diagnostic general
Running: general *** Directory Structure *** Checking /mod partition type : Pass
Checking /mod filesystem type : Pass
Checking /mod/var/opkg/tmp is a directory : Pass
Checking /mod/boot is a symlink : Pass
Checking /var/lib/humaxtv/mod is a directory : Pass
Checking /var/lib/humaxtv_backup/mod is a directory : Pass
Checking /mod/boot/2 is a symlink : Pass
Checking /mod/boot links correctly : Pass
Checking /mod/boot/2 links correctly : Pass
>>> Ending diagnostic general

Following suggestion for the telnet instruction on listing installed packages, the list showed the packages that I would have expected to see.
Checking again this morning in the same web page session webif is showing packages as installed, but installing a new one did not show up and remained listed in the available section after having initially greyed out.The opkg list-installed however showed the package had been installed.
Using compter with windows xp pro, 32bit, iternet explorer 8, then tried firefox, all packages displayed correctly as either installed or available, installing a package resulted in the entry moving from available to installed.(Pc was on all night transfering file back to new disk) Chrome seems to work fine too.

I will use Firefox or Chrome in future.

Many thanks
No, can't think of any. Quite a few are cleared every time you boot anyway, others are cleared automatically when they hit a certain size (2MB I think). Manual clear shouldn't cause any problems although it might stop anything new being logged to them until you reboot in some cases.
Instead of deleting a log file would truncating it be better. The process that was logging to it would then be able to continue adding to it.
Instead of deleting a log file would truncating it be better. The process that was logging to it would then be able to continue adding to it.
It does attempt to truncate it (copy /dev/null over it) but that still stops logging in some cases.
I have just upgraded to Web-If 0.10.1-7, mulitenv 1.5, undelete 1.6, busybox 1.20.2-1 and tmenu 1.04, prior to the upgrade there was an option in Web-If >> Settings >> General Settings called Expert mode telnet server = On/Off, but since the upgrade I am not seeing this option, is this correct?
Just spotted it in Web-If >> Settings >> Advanced Settings
Is there any up to date change log, I too updated but can't see detail of what's updated
No, I usually only update the change log on major releases. Releases where only the last number after the dash changes are just minor changes, bug fixes or background changes getting ready for new firmware or similar.

The full web interface change log is at: http://wiki.hummy.tv/wiki/Webif_release_notes
(as you probably already know)

I'll update the log to include changes so far though.
Here are the changes between 0.10.1 and 0.10.1-7 - nothing particularly interesting : )
0.10.1-... (TBC)

  • Schedule list shows individual event times against series recordings. Clicking on an event times shows EPG details;
  • Dedup now applies series.helper files before checking for minimum length. Minimum length reduced from 10 to 6;
  • Add clear log option to diagnostics page;
  • Change upcoming event display window from 15 to 20 minutes;
  • Options on settings page are now YES/NO rather than ON/OFF;
  • Expert mode telnet server option moved to Advanced Settings block;
  • Internal changes to support CFW 2.15 (not yet released).
Thanks :)

And thanks for the great work, webif is one of the best web interfaces I've seen, you must work writing web interfaces as it puts some of the commercial efforts I've seen on hardware / software to shame!


And thanks for the great work, webif is one of the best web interfaces I've seen, you must work writing web interfaces as it puts some of the commercial efforts I've seen on hardware / software to shame!
Thanks for the compliment. You mustn't have seen the early versions then : ) The Humax web interface is my learning platform - always good to develop new skills.
Would it be possible to include the option to change the grid EPG so that it only shows either 2 or 3 hours across, instead of the current 4 hours.
Hopefully this would still use the same width on screen, but make the programme boxes longer so that there would be more room to display longer programme titles without truncating them. On my Toppy's I have the MyStuff EPG set to display 2 hours, and the Humax native EPG also display 2 hours.