[webif] Version 0.10.1 Released

I've released 0.10.2 which is a roll up of the changes since 0.10.1 plus two new features:
  • Media browser now shows genre against recordings;
  • Media browser rename allows changing genre alongside other attributes;
I have one recording - War Horse - The Real Story - HD - that does not have a genre icon, just the blue square with question mark.
Media browser rename allows changing genre alongside other attributes
It's annoyingly inconsistent between the Rename dialog and the popup labels when you hover over them on the Browse page:

Film => Movie
News & Factual => News
Entertainment => Special
Sport => Sports
Lifestyle => Leisure
Drama => Show
Further to this, trying to Rename .mp3 or .mp4 or .mpg files (and maybe others I haven't tried) from the Web-If causes precisely nothing to happen to the actual file name on disk.
The only ones that seem to work are .ts files.
It's annoyingly inconsistent between the Rename dialog and the popup labels when you hover over them on the Browse page:
Are you that easily annoyed? ; )

I can fix that so they are consistent. The inconsistencies are due to the fact that Humax map the incoming genres from the EPG data onto a smaller set with different names when they store the genre in the .hmt file and I haven't done a reverse mapping on the hover-overs.
I have one recording - War Horse - The Real Story - HD - that does not have a genre icon, just the blue square with question mark.
Can you check to see what symbol is shown against it if you press Info on it using the standard Humax on-screen menus? Thanks.
Education. Thanks.
I have never found that option before. We learn something new every day. :)
I have just checked my Scheduled Events via webif, and noticed that only 1 episode is showing for Coronation Street (19:30 tonight), whereas the native Schedule is showing 7 episodes. All of my other Scheduled Events in webif seem to be showing the correct number of episodes.
The 19:30 episode has now finished, and the 20:30 episode is showing in my webif Scheduled Events, but there are still no other episodes listed. If I select the programme name, the pop-up box lists 6 more events, yet these are not listed as they should be, and always used to be. All of my other series events are showing as they should be.
I have just checked again, and all of the episodes are now showing correctly. Very strange.
The webif looks at the on-disk database whereas the on-screen schedule looks at the in-memory one. It may have just taken a while for the Humax software to write out the new event IDs for some reason. I usually only see no episodes listed for things that have been recently added to the schedule.
The Coronation Street series link was set nearly 2 months ago, and was previously displaying the episodes correctly. I only noticed that they were missing this morning.