Well I have had my 2000T 500GB for 2 weeks and I am very pleased so far

I am new to Humax so cannot comment on Fox. But here is an update in several areas.
I finally got a homeplug link working and have been trying out file transfer. I have posted about an FTP problem in a new thread "HDR 2000T file transfer and FTP problems".

DLNA/Media server. This works with well with Windows 7 and Media Player. Only the SD programs show so far (as expected), I have not found any HD programs which show (though I am not recording many). Doesn't show on my XP machine (not totally surprised).

USB transfer. Very slow copies, as indicated above, but it works and SD programs will play in a number of video players including VLC, Media player and Media Centre. I am using an 8GB FAT32 stick. The HD programs, which do not show in DLNA above, do not play. Copies several files with different extensions, but only the .ts file is required and works directly without change to .mpg in the programs mentioned.
FTP: This is faster than the USB. Need to set FileZilla to single stream, only one file and or thread at a time or the error messages are continuous. Other than this refer to the other thread.
Using "Map Network Drive" to set up an FTP link in My Computer works - use the underlined link "connect to network/server ..." to set up the FTP. Just the transferred files are broken.
Channel ordering. There are comments on channel ordering above which do not seem to be accurate. There is only an Alpha or numeric sort, no re-order method. Putting favourites in order is possible but requires forethought. Method:- Have a mental or actual list in the order you want the channels. Start with an EMPTY favourites list. Add the channels in the required order to the favourites list. Hey presto you have a sorted favourites list in the order you need. To edit it you may be lucky that if you delete back to the insert point and then add back, it may not screw up, otherwise START AGAIN.
Channel delete. You can choose to delete a channel, do this instead of making it a favourite in channel edit. Also note that there is more than one place to edit a channel to set up favourites.
WEB Apps. Was very surprised to only find I-Player considering that the YouView has a full set. I hope this is corrected soon.
I chose to not get YouView after the adverse comments elsewhere and had been longing to get a Fox, but couldn't resist the new model.
Well there are other iffies, but I need to have a longer look before pronouncing. e.g. I do hope slow play actually works.
All for now Stokersson