[youtube-dl] Download files from youtube.com or other video platforms

This SE answer proposes options to eliminate the DTS errors. yt-dl isn't using those options
I couldn't even find where to add them to test in yt-dl code. I tried adding --external-downloader-args, but then it moaned that it couldn't use them, even though it effectively could as --hls-prefer-ffmpeg was being used (and I even tried adding --external-downloader ffmpeg, but that didn't make any difference either).

It's probably easier to just force --hls-prefer-native in the /mod/bin/youtube script for iPlayer.
The --...-args ... options are a bit limited for ffmpeg where the significance of options depends on their position, but that doesn't seem to be a problem here. With the 2024.04.06 desktop yt-dl and ffmpeg 5.1.4-0+deb12u1, this skips the PTS/DTS messages but I can't find any way to eliminate the Invalid timestamps ... messages without silencing the output altogether:
youtube-dl -v -f mf_akamai-1013-0 --hls-prefer-ffmpeg 'https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001z735/tokyo-vice-series-2-1-dont-ever-fing-miss' --external-downloader-args '-fflags +igndts'