Amusing Items

It's rear fog lights that are really the problem, when it isn't even foggy, and some cars remember the last setting. They really dazzle you at night. Also, in the hills here, with frequent fog, car drivers driving and cyclists riding on no lights, or sidelights.
What it does NOT say is that you cannot use headlights between lighting up time and night as BH implied, and what i nit picked about.
I always thought that if he stated a 'fact' he always checked it's validity first.
Not checking is why we have so many stupid anti vaxxers.
I think you are just reading his quote that way. I read it as needing to use sidelights during the half hour after sunset (etc) but not needing to use headlights then (which appears to be correct).
Your heavy emboldening does shift the emphasis rather.
some cars remember the last setting.
It's older cars probably.
I think the regs may now require them to reset at some point (probably when the (head)lights are turned off) as all the more recent cars I've had have done this either electrically or mechanically.
What it does NOT say is that you cannot use headlights between lighting up time and night as BH implied, and what i nit picked about.
You might have read me to imply that, but I'm pretty sure I didn't and that certainly wasn't the intention. In case you are still unclear, headlamps are only a legal requirement from sunset+30 to sunrise-30. That doesn't preclude their use outside those times, but it seems pretty silly to have them on in bright sunshine.

PS: I think the indignation is because Trev didn't know that.
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It's older cars probably.
I think the regs may now require them to reset at some point
My 2006 Focus has a mechanical interlock, and I'm pretty sure Ford wouldn't have gone to that expense if they were not required to. But yes, I see a lot of fog lights on (front and rear) inappropriately, and on newer cars than mine.

I have experienced being a passenger when the driver just jumped in and turned on every light they could find - and was completely mystified when I pointed out the error of their ways - don't you want as much light as possible?
In what way is all this "Amusing Items"? I thought I gave the hint by transferring to Coronavirus Lockdown Chat.
I'm not so sure now - I started that thread because another thread became a one-person rant from somebody with an excessive sense of entitlement (is this a reincarnation?). Make it a completely different thread.
That reminds me, I have some Carnation from when there was a milk shortage
We used to have that as kids (mum called it Evap.), undoubtedly bought from GEM in WB (the first supermarket in the UK), as we were dragged round there every week. It even features on one of the pictures on here.
We used to have that as kids (mum called it Evap.), undoubtedly bought from GEM in WB (the first supermarket in the UK), as we were dragged round there every week. It even features on one of the pictures on here.
Great article plus car park nostalgia. I see there were unusual terms such as 'principal' and 'affect' used. Misuse of words hasn't changed much since then.
Don't think I ever went to it when it was GEM. Not sure whether the original incarnation ( :roflmao: ) of ASDA was in the GEM building. That I do remember, and the horrible queue to get out of the car park one christmas. Just to confuse people in this area, if you mention GEM they think it's that radio station just off Manvers St. (City Link).
That's gone right over my head and yet (at the time of writing) two people have liked it. What am I missing?
Dunno whether any enterprising person can dig this out: the biggest laugh I've had in recent years was a Minions short where they went gardening to raise cash for some fancy banana prep kitchenware.