Assume v. Presume

The date at the bottom right looks like 1934 or 1936 to me, so probably more states then.
But a London electric company:geek:
How do you think the breeds came to be in the first place? The important point is whether the breed remains true if continued to be bred.

I have read somewhere that horses and dogs have the greatest variety within a single species (a species being the set of animals all of which are capable of interbreeding, although I am dying to see a Newfoundland sire with a Yorkie - or vice versa!).
Electronics Weekly, 23rd November 2016:

"The company identifies a trend enabled by semiconductor technologies for industrial use cases to be available for IoT."
The whole article is talking about a factory-calibrated temperature and humidity sensor chip. The sentence makes just a bit more sense if you know "IoT" means Internet of Things (ie small, cheap, low power consumption, networked devices able to share configuration and sensor readings with the surrounding ecosystem). The thing that really piqued me was the use of "use cases" when "applications" will usually do, although in this case I think it should read:

"The company has spotted an opportunity for IoT to be applied in industrial situations, made possible by advances in semiconductor technology."
"The company has spotted an opportunity for IoT to be applied in industrial situations, made possible by advances in semiconductor technology."
Christ, I understood that.
So did I.
Not sure that the concept is new. I have a vague recollection of some work on this about 15 years ago - mainly to do with the control of motors. But I may be wrong - I usually am!
So did I.
Not sure that the concept is new. I have a vague recollection of some work on this about 15 years ago - mainly to do with the control of motors. But I may be wrong - I usually am!
Yes, wireless networks for process control have been around for some time already - I'd almost say they were a predecessor of IoT - so to "spot an opportunity at this stage" seems a bit tardy. I assume/hope they are actually latching on to some specific niche.
Traditionally and conventionally the internet has always been spelt with a small i so it should be iot or ioT or iOT..