Assume v. Presume

Why are fun sized chocolate bars smaller than regular bars? Surely more fun if they were larger? :rolleyes:
This sounds like something from Dave Gorman's Modern Life is Goodish on Dave. I'm sure it has been a topic (ha-ha) on his show. If it hasn't been, it should be.
[MikeSh: "recently starring Toblerone"] Au, but they don't sell them as 'Fun size', They also don't call them 'Rip-off size' either.
There are very small Toblerones, although I can't remember what they call them.
Fun size Bite size for the very small bars. I agree, rip-off size for the Toblerone.
Breakfast: a rep from the Brownies is talking about a proposal to revise the badges. Presumably they already have a sewing badge awarded for sewing on badges, but they need a not-so badge awarded for managing not to start a sentence with "so".
So is that a single sentence or a minimum of 5?

I also find the title of Baden Powell's book 'Scouting for Boys' a bit non PC on a couple of counts (based on today's stupidity)
When in British English did it become acceptable to use "dove in" instead of "dived in"?
Perhaps, just to emphasise the British English, Michael Gove should change his name to Michael Gived.
Well, I thought every sentence was supposed to, like, start with, like, "well" these days. So, like, looks like I messed up again.

Which two Counts did you have in mind, Trev? I can think of a few Knights.
It gets worse :(
Local café has one of these on each table.
Ye gods, that's the present participle!! :eek:

At least when using 'sat' as past participle (was sat), there is just the slightest excuse in that sat is past tense. Following the same pattern the cafe signs should say "you are sit @".
I think you are confusing a participle with a tense.

Present participle: you are sitting

Past participle: you were sitting

Present tense: you sit

Past tense: you sat