Assume v. Presume

Is that more like 5 pints?
Nah. I could never handle that much. These days it really is just a pint or I'd never make it home.

But in a sign of advancing years I'm having trouble holding a pint in my right hand, so I'm drinking them left handed :(
Nah. I could never handle that much. These days it really is just a pint or I'd never make it home.

But in a sign of advancing years I'm having trouble holding a pint in my right hand, so I'm drinking them left handed :(
I can hold a pint - in my hand. I can't hold it in my bladder. One of my hypertension tablets makes it worse.
Back in my younger days during a night in the pub I always visited the loo more than anyone else. What with that and a lot of tea and coffee during the day...
Now bendroflumethiazide is supposed to help reduce blood pressure by making me pee even more (at least in the morning).
worries about dehydration .
So do I. It's a dilemma. Drink more pee more and possibly raise BP. Dehydrate with other health problems. :dunno:
Was catching up with the World Superbikes coverage when James Toseland (two time champion and now a co-commentator) was praising one of the riders and said "I am running out of expletives". :D