Assume v. Presume

Local pub being transformed into "Hickory's" Advertising blurb and exterior signs: "Opening Hours. We'll be open & smokin' 8 days a week". Americans, always messing with units. (Hundredweight, gallons etc). I didn't know they'd introduced an eight day week. What is this eighth day called? And, when you look at the full opening hours, why is it not listed? False advertising!
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3. Scottish and New Zealand
to collect (a passenger, parcel, etc); pick up
That's awful! It's typical of the Sunday quick crossword that the setters use synonyms at the very bottom of the dictionary entry. There were only a couple of words which fitted the letters, and that was one of them, but I couldn't see the connection.

Sounds like porch piracy to me.

The opposite of Delivers = Downdrops. :D
I understand what you mean!