Bloody comprehensive schools! I don't remember being taught that part of the rhyme.There are too many exceptions to that rule to list. Your version is not complete either.
Continue the rhyme with "or when sounding like A, as in neighbour or weigh"
Woosh? Like an F16 on full reheat.Groundhog Day
...unless sounding like A as in neighbour and weigh (and then follows a list of exceptions even to that).
Unfortunately, many people can't remember (or never even knew) that there is a second line to the mnemonic.
Looks like a senior moment.Groundhog Day
You could even get it to spell the word correctly.(See, Oh, Ar, Ar.... NO! - Bee, Oh...., See, Kay, Ess)
Yes, but that memory that still functions is concerned with remembering where I live, how to get to the toilet and use it, how to feed and wash myself, and the various technical aspects of the more importants things we discuss on the non-Hummy Arms threads. Remembering what was said a few months back on one of the many HA forum pages is important - but lower on the priority list.Still having some memory intact helps.
What's the plural of Sainsbury's?
No ... so "Sainsbury's stores" is the correct plural.Why? Is there more than one?