OK, I see. I'd be interested to know how the signal is sent along the cable. I wonder if there are there four parallel streams? I'll have the kit sometime today so I better do some Googling. in the morning.No it definitely won't. It's not using Ethernet to communicate, just the impedance-controlled Cat5 cable point-to-point.
Arriving tomorrow and the coax is in situ. I did look at the newer one, but I've already got a couple of HDMI splitters.Yep. That'l work 100% as that's what I have got, provided you don't want IR control of the remote box.
I frequently wonder that too.How did I managed when I worked full time!
Yes, 100% is spot on. Worked out of the box, kept all the settings at default and had no problem.Yep. That'l work 100% as that's what I have got, provided you don't want IR control of the remote box.
Only just saw this Trev. The screw ones are a bit like SCART. They work until you move them and then they're a bit hit or miss.Good news then.
Why crimp? What's wrong with screw on ones, if you have the right size? (Although crimp are arguably better.)