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Media mistakes

Yes, the energy vs. power battle is one I've fought before. You pay for energy, not for power. I won that one.
I thought that too, but I'm almost giving up being a pedant. The more I read replies from the public at large, I feel that life's too short ( even shorter if you believe the press).
You would have thought wrong. Expanding the statement to

"I don't have the the energy or do I have the power"

makes no sense.
I don't think so. Your expansion makes no sense from what was originally written, but conveniently changes things to 'prove' your point.
Nor is usually used with neither, so:
I have neither the energy nor the power
I don't have the energy or the power
would have been better.
Anyway, nobody picked up on "phase". Wasted.
Anyway, nobody picked up on "phase". Wasted.
I noticed it but couldn't decide if it was you being clever (as the discussion was about electricity), you just getting it wrong, or an autocorrect issue.

As such I decided anything I said had only a 33% chance of being right ... :dunno:
As such I decided anything I said had only a 33% chance of being right ...
I don't use autocorrect, so that raises it to 50%. I don't (generally!) get things wrong (unless deliberate), so the balance of probabilities is now... ?
So perhaps you're guilty as charged.