Media mistakes

Perhaps they could publish the addresses of the people who are then disqualified from driving, due to amassing lots of points, and everybody else could go round there and dump rubbish on their properties.
I favour three strikes and you're out:
1. Fine and/or Points
2. Seizure and sale/destruction of vehicle
3. Execution

Some people might put prison in at 3 and execution at 4, but why bother with the hassle/cost of that when the prisons are full enough as it is?
Why three chances? "Sorry officer. I didn't realise I couldn't just dump my waste in this field."
They don't deserve any strikes.
I favour three strikes and you're out:
1. Fine and/or Points
2. Seizure and sale/destruction of vehicle
3. Execution

Some people might put prison in at 3 and execution at 4, but why bother with the hassle/cost of that when the prisons are full enough as it is?
The idiots in parliament just don't see that the more lenient the justice the fuller the prisons are.
I would love to see the statistics of what percentage of fly tippers and dine and dash offenders are from the traveller community.
The idiots in parliament just don't see that the more lenient the justice the fuller the prisons are.
Parliament are fully aware. The fuller the prisons are the more lenient the sentencing will be to avoid them having to build more prisons. Better to give a slap on the wrist or ignore than add to over crowding.
So stop the leftie Human Rights lawyers from getting in the way of deportation. I don't understands who funds those people: make them house the illegal immigrants in their own guest bedrooms.
So stop the leftie Human Rights lawyers from getting in the way of deportation. I don't understands who funds those people: make them house the illegal immigrants in their own guest bedrooms.
Deportation in alphabetical order, just doing A would be a huge advance. Albanians form the largest foreign prison population now, they have also taken over much of the drugs trade and run many of the people trafficking rackets.
I'll choose the latter. Drive like an idiot and dump rubbish. Net points nil
I was pointing out the inconsistent reporting by the BBC and making a stupid comment about docking, rather than adding, points.

Laws exist concerning fly tipping in the Environmental Protection Act 1990. said:
You could face a fine up to £50,000 and a prison sentence of 12 months for a summary conviction. Conversely, maximum fines are unlimited with prison terms up to five years if you get convicted in a Crown Court.
It requires the authorities to bring a prosecution. Occasionally they do, but catching the tippers can be a problem.
Parliament are fully aware. The fuller the prisons are the more lenient the sentencing will be to avoid them having to build more prisons. Better to give a slap on the wrist or ignore than add to over crowding.
I don't think you're getting it. The sentencing is already lenient and has been for decades. A criminal may only go to prison on his 10th encounter with the law. By then he's proper hardened, low to zero chances of rehabilitation.
I don't think you're getting it. The sentencing is already lenient and has been for decades. A criminal may only go to prison on his 10th encounter with the law. By then he's proper hardened, low to zero chances of rehabilitation.
I stand by my comment, overcrowding has been an issue for decades with lenient sentencing, community orders and fines used in favor of imprisonment to ease the problem. I recently did jury service and had a long conversation with our court usher who happened to be a retired judge on this subject, he told me that conviction rates were rising and when pushed on the subject admitted that there is a concerted effort to avoid custodial sentencing wherever possible due to the lack of available prison placements. As for prisons being a place of rehabilitation the increase year on year in reoffending rates suggests it may also be a place of further education.
Hmmm. You've just copied what I said by using a thousand words.
I looked again
Parliament are fully aware. The fuller the prisons are the more lenient the sentencing will be to avoid them having to build more prisons. Better to give a slap on the wrist or ignore than add to over crowding.
and couldn't find "has been an issue for decades"
Anyway, if you want to continue this someone might split it into a different thread.
Hmmm. You've just copied what I said by using a thousand words.
I looked again

and couldn't find "has been an issue for decades"
Anyway, if you want to continue this someone might split it into a different thread.
No point continuing as you clearly lack comprehension.