Funnily enough had a network problem this morning couldn't get my android to see the Hummy, I noticed the hummy had changed its ip address, as it will every day when first switched on, so In decided to give the Hummy a static address I think away from all the other network devices, Works fine now, worth a try !!
Thanks Framedtoo but I don't think it's a codec issue. I have already installed them with no luck.
I am convinced now that is a network issue somehow, Windows Media Player sees the Hummy and I can navigate to choose Video, Music, etc, and if I try to select 'All Video' then I get the error message 'The remote Media Library did not allow connections, please contact the device manufacturer' briefly followed by 'No files have been found on this remote library'. There isn't much to play with in terms of settings on the Hummy and have tried all of them and connected by Ethernet or Wirelessly with no difference.
My Windows 7 Media player will see Windows XP machines & vice versa no problem, the only device on my network that Windows 7 does not successfully stream with is my Hummy.
Just read on another forum that someone solved their Windows 7 playback problems by installing kpack lite codecs. I've never had win7 playback problems but there again I've got kpack codecs already installed . Worth a try if WMP doesn't play
Have you enabled uPnP streaming in VLC? Can't remember offhand exactly where it is but in Settings you go to All (or Advanced) and it's somewhere under Internet or Networking
It's not in the current windows version. It'll be in 1.2 I think. It is in the nightly builds but they are not stable
It's my understanding that you can't stream hd files even if you use foxy. I installed XBMC to see if that would do it and no it doesn't.
Just a thought, but is it worth setting up a manual IP address on my Hummy and setting up a static route on my Netgear DG834G router?, maybe setting my Windows 7 PC to a static IP address also?
It's not in the current windows version. It'll be in 1.2 I think. It is in the nightly builds but they are not stable