Should be fixed in 1.0.8-3, just uploaded.
mv 'file' $(echo 'file' | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9._-]/_/g')
lcn {=46} action {movecreate "Gameshows"}
Is the following command correct? I'm trying to filter anything recorded on channel 46 into a folder
lcn 46 action {movecreate "Gameshows"}
Code:lcn 46 action {movecreate "Gameshows"}
will do it. What you have is almost right too - just needs a space between the = and the 46 if you want to use that syntax.
ThanksThe commands are processed in order, and aborted when one matches. Put the lcn 46 command further up the list that the "if nothing else, do this" command (which should of course come last).
hour {>= 21} action lock 1 {movecreate _OTHER/%genre}
31/10/2013 23:51 - Unknown action 'lock'
According to post 1 in this topic, "lock" isn't an action so should come before the word "action" (with no parameter).
hour {>= 21} lock 1 action {movecreate _OTHER/%genre}
hour {<7} lock 1 action {movecreate _OTHER/%genre}
I don't understand where the "lock 1" comes from. Shouldn't it be just "lock" and the "1" is superfluous? That's what I was hinting at in my last post (apparently unsuccessfully).