[rs] Remote Scheduling v1

I now have programmes into the early hours of the 10th (00:30) without running the diagnostic.
I have this in my rsepg.log
 - Syntax error, malformed JSON

I first noticed it on the 30th March.
I am sure we talked about this before but can't find now or can't remember a resolution, possibility to email or notify somehow error entries in the rslog?
I currently have 6 entries in my Remote Scheduling Auto list all of which display correctly on-screen, however I can't add a new entry or edit / delete an existing entry. This has only stopped working Today I think
Just spoken to the ISP and there are some database replication problems. They say it should be fixed shortly. The entries you have added will be there just not currently showing up.
O.K. thanks for that, I was thinking there was a problem because yesterday I added an almost identical search to one that already existed, e.g.
Email Events - 102 BBC TWO HD - - - - QI
Email Events - 102 BBC TWO HD - - - - QI XL
Add, edit and Delete are all working again - Thanks
I've made some changes to minimise the impact of this happening again. A lot of the data on RS is not important as it can be recreated from the Humax (EPG, schedule, device channels, favourites etc.) so I don't need to use the replicated data store for that.
Got this email this morning:

"At least one failed recording has been detected in your media library. The following recording(s) failed:"

(no list)

This may be good news, or is it an unintentional result of some recent tweaks?
I suspect the latter. Things should stabilise in the next day or two.

FYI: I need to disable multi-region support for a while this evening while I migrate the distributed EPG data onto yet another server. RS should continue to function but you will see the Yorkshire region again. Normal service will be resumed at some point overnight!
Multi region is now back online and RS should be much faster in general.

Feature request!

Sorry if this has been asked before. Ive set up an auto email alert in RS to let me know when recent movies are been shown. My question is can the email include links to record each program it detects? Often by the time I've logged into the rs website I've forgotten what I was going to record!

Sent from my GT-N7100
Thanks BH but I want to be able to pick and choose which programs to record. Essentially I get an email most days with 5 or 6 upcoming films on - it would be useful if each film had a link to it on the RS website so I didn't have to search for it.

Sent from my GT-N7100
Good idea, and yes I can add it.

Posted on the move; please excuse any brevity.
Done. RS emails from tomorrow morning will include links underneath each matched event.

Plain-text version on the right, HTML version on the left.

RSlinks2.png RSlinks.png

In the HTML version, click on the Matched email alerts text.
I'm guessing that if. . .
Type = schedule . . . the item is scheduled and you get a Email notification (without RS EPG link)
Type = Email . . . . . you get a Email only, with a link to the RS EPG entry, so that a manual recording can be made
Is there a problem with the top 100/10 most watched?
Everything I click on in the top 100/10 comes up no results found.

My RS.log is as follows

>>> Contents of /mod/tmp/rs.log 2.09 KiB
Processing command 'schedule '
*Schedule 17664/19108/2/104/Channel 4 HD/1365724800/24 Hours in A&E
*Trying source service/event ID.
_Found event - 24 Hours in A&E
_Successfully scheduled event.
Sending TBL_RESERVATION schedule information to remote server.
Sending pending schedule information to remote server.
Already up-to-date.
Error encountered, Error: 7 - Couldn't connect to server
Error encountered, Error: 7 - Couldn't connect to server
Error encountered, Error: 7 - Couldn't connect to server
Error encountered, Error: 28 - Timeout was reached
Processing command 'schedule '
*Schedule 8452/19105/2/13/Channel 4+1/1365717600/The Sex Clinic
*Trying source service/event ID.
_Found event - The Sex Clinic
_Successfully scheduled event.
Processing command 'schedule '
*Schedule 4288/48017/2/7/BBC THREE/1365717600/Family Guy
*Trying source service/event ID.
*Trying events at the original event time @4288
*Trying event at the same time on service 4288.
!Error, cannot find event to schedule.
Sending TBL_RESERVATION schedule information to remote server.
Already up-to-date.
Sending pending schedule information to remote server.
Already up-to-date.
Processing command 'schedule '
*Schedule 17609/50101/1/103/ITV HD/1365796800/The Security Men
*Trying source service/event ID.
_Found event - The Security Men
!Error encountered whilst scheduling: Duplicate reservation.
Processing command 'schedule '
*Schedule 8500/41335/2/5/Channel 5/1365703200/All-New Big Body Squad
*Trying source service/event ID.
_Found event - All-New Big Body Squad
_Successfully scheduled event.
Processing command 'schedule '
*Schedule 17609/50101/1/103/ITV HD/1365796800/The Security Men
*Trying source service/event ID.
_Found event - The Security Men
_Successfully scheduled event.
Processing command 'unschedule live'
*Unschedule 3/7/131083/1366142400/48386/1FP.BBC.CO.UK/2417H7|
_Barely Legal Drivers
_Successfully unscheduled recording.
Sending TBL_RESERVATION schedule information to remote server.
Already up-to-date.
Sending pending schedule information to remote server.
Already up-to-date.