I finally got round to looking at why my automatic scheduling to record F1 races wasn't working yesterday, and have been using the wiki to try and get it working again (thanks for the fantastic documentation btw - suspect a problem with my HDR rather than with the CF). When I create a new rule for automatic scheduling, when is it actually used to parse the EPG and schedule a recording automatically? I've created a new rule which I was hoping would pick up a program to be scheduled today, but wasn't sure whether it's run when created, or only at a certain time each day. I realise that the reboots are needed for a recording to be scheduled successfully, but the automated email would tell me that the rule has been run.
Edit: just realised I was being dense, scheduling a program manually through RS is a sufficient test, making the above irrelevant - please ignore!
Edit: just realised I was being dense, scheduling a program manually through RS is a sufficient test, making the above irrelevant - please ignore!