pvr# opkg remove samba
Removing package samba from root...
Not deleting modified conffile /mod/etc/smb.conf.
pvr# rm /mod/etc/smb.conf
pvr# opkg install samba_2.2.12-6_mipsel.opk
Installing samba (2.2.12-6) to root...
Configuring samba.
Collected errors:
* resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /mod/etc/secrets.tdb is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /mod/etc/secrets.tdb-opkg.
pvr# sed -i -e 's/workgroup = WORKGROUP/workgroup = Home/' /mod/etc/smb.conf
pvr# opkg install samba_3.6.25-1_mipsel.opk
Upgrading samba on root from 2.2.12-6 to 3.6.25-1...
Removing obsolete file /mod/etc/secrets.tdb.
Removing obsolete file /mod/share/codepages/unicode_map.850.
Removing obsolete file /mod/share/codepages/unicode_map.ISO8859-1.
Removing obsolete file /mod/share/codepages/codepage.850.
Not deleting modified conffile /mod/etc/secrets.tdb.
Configuring samba.
Collected errors:
* file_md5sum_alloc: Failed to open file /mod/etc/secrets.tdb: No such file or directory.
* resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /mod/etc/smb.conf is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /mod/etc/smb.conf-opkg.
pvr# mkdir /tmp/test
pvr# mount "//localhost/Media" /tmp/test -o "unc=\\\\localhost\\Media,user=User,password=Password"
pvr# ls /tmp/test
My Music/ My Photo/ My Video/ drive1/