Yet another satisfied customer! My original HDR started randomly rebooting at the same point. Initially I was confused as the HDD worked in a caddy, the HDR worked fine with a 500G SSD, and scheduled recordings were fine from standby once It decided to boot. Then I found this thread. I was reluctant to try the fix on this machine first, so I bought a faulty one on ebay for £30 which was described as having a reboot loop. Removing the disk allowed it to boot so I went up to my stockroom (loft) and retrieved a couple of 4.7u 25v tantalum beads, I used flush side cutters to nip off the old capacitor, cleaned it all up and soldered in the new one. Bingo - £30 spent, and a fully working PVR. Repeated the process on my original and all working again. Many thanks to all for the info. in this thread. I now have three working HDRs and one HD-Fox. Couldn't live without them (or the custom firmware).