Switching IP Address ranges

But you mentioned it in the same sentence as double NAT - "Given that double NAT is bad, shouldn't I set the Archer AX55 IP address as static?"
Which was in response to you saying
You DON'T want to do that [turn off the Hub One DHCP server]. The Archer is getting its WAN IP address via DHCP (as you said), so it will stop working

I suppose I should have written
Given that you imply double NAT is bad, surely I should turn off the Hub One's DHCP server?
And if I do, shouldn't I set the Archer AX55 IP address as static?
My broadband contract came to an end so I took the opportunity to upgrade from ADSL to Plusnet's Fibre product which, I believe, is FTTC.

This necessitated a change of router to Hub Two...

Which has worked out perfectly.

Plugged in, powered up: I didn't even need to put my login details in (unlike with the Hub One).

I took the opportunity to move my 4 wired devices from my 100Mbs switch to my 1Gb Archer AX55.

The magic WAN port still allows me to see the PlusNet router on

The Hub One has 4 Ethernet sockets and a separate WAN socket.

The Hub Two has 4 Ethernet sockets, one of which is labelled as a WAN socket.

The Hub Two has a bridge mode, but I'm loathe to mess around with the AX55's settings.

This configuration still puts me in danger of the dreaded double NAT.

But living up to my username, I am blissfully ignorant as to how that might manifest itself.

I'm guessing error messages?