I had a go with the "Foxy" download and it worked on an HD recording. Am I right in thinking the Humax can only write to FAT32 USB drives? The HD recordings are likely to be over the 4GB limit. Is there a way round this?
I don't know what happens if you try to read it from Windows!
Not a lot without extra software. Microsoft are not ones for broad format support.
ntfs support added to the wishlist then![]()
The binary in mongoose is compiled without SSL support.. Mongoose does support SSL though so I could recompile it if you wish to run an SSL server. For redirecting the portal start page, we can look at doing another tweak to the firmware to move the start page to HTTP. We'd need to work out the details but it might be better than adding SSL overhead.
SD recordings made on the T2 are not directly compatible with the Foxsat HDR. You must run the .ts file from the T2 through AV2HDR to create the three files in the correct format. HD recordings are not compatible either, as the Foxsat does not support AAC encoded audio streams. You must convert the audio stream to MPEG1 layer 2 or Dolby AC3 first before processing with AV2HDR.I have copied recordings from the fox t2 to usb hard drive both sd and unencrypted hd. They play just fine on my computer. When I plugged the usb drive into my foxsat hdr the files come up as failed recordings and do not play at all, both hd and sd. Do I need to make any mods on the foxsat such as Raydon's. Or are the files incompatible?
Can you still telnet to the box? (just wondering if the IP address has changed). If so, run the 'service' command to see if the web interface is running and set to start up at boot time. You're looking for the mongoose service.
Code:humax# service Name Installed Autostart Running ---- --------- --------- ------- ... mongoose Yes Yes Yes
If it isn't set to auto start then do:
Code:humax# service start mongoose humax# service auto mongoose
Thanks again af123, that got it working although it looks like (on my box at least) I always seem to find these services not running and have to start them manually. I do have the box set to got into auto standby via the standard menu option so I'm assuming its something to do with that. Not a problem really as at the moment I only ever need these when I've got the laptop out although I am having a play with dyndns to see if I can get to everything from anywhere else (so that when the web epg allows recordings to be set I can do them from work!!). Cheers, Jonesey
Do you have an external hard drive plugged into the rear of the unit? I do and have noticed that the disc allocation changes (main hdd becomes /dev/sdb not sda) I guess because the firmware is designed to boot off the external USB first. Then all the scripts fall over and nothing gets started. I haven't yet figured out what to do about it, not having much spare time at the mo. I boot up without the external usb disc and then plug it in when I hear the internal drive spin up.
If I get any further I'll let you know.
Af123 is aware of the problem and hopefully we should see a version of the custom firmware that allows us to have the external USBs plugged in at all times.
Thanks Dan and af123Yes, sorry. I know how to fix it and just need a tuit or two to update the custom firmware. Will do it in the next few days.
I've uploaded version 1.07 (links are in the first post in this thread). The only change in this version is improvement and restructuring of the mod startup code; specifically to support proper startup of the HDR model with a USB drive connected but it also includes some optimisations to improve startup time and streamline package installation from USB.
Sorry af123 but it looks like my /media/virtual is mounted as /dev/sda1 which is what the external USB is mounted as (having left it in for boot-up) and shows exactly the same useage etc, but as 'ls' in that directory lists nothing.
Do you have a /mod directory on the USB drive? If so, remove or rename it and restart the Humax and everything should be ok.