If they had lived now

Sir Isaac Newton would own an orchard and produce "Gravity Cider - So strong, it brings you down to earth with a bump".
But it still brings me down with a bump when I trip.
Sure, but that's the mass of the entire Earth providing the pull, which is easily counteracted by our puny muscles. Gravity seems strong because it only falls off with the square of distance instead of the fourth power (or something) of the other forces.

"Gravity Cider - So much stronger than other forces at long range, it brings you down to earth with a bump"
If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck...

However physicists find it convenient to model a system to make the calculations come out right, that's all it is - a model. :duel:
But why doesn't it accelerate up to meet the person next to me who didn't trip?

That's time dilation for you. The c multiplier makes all the difference, multiplying the minute difference in time as someone slips and falls.
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The Austin Maxi would have called itself the BMW mini.