Since we'll all be locked in our houses, Coronavirus

so, the Chinese commies have just found and declared some more deaths. who believes the numbers they published?
So the UK Tories are just about to find and declare some more deaths (care homes and at home, rather than just hospitals). Who believes the numbers they publish either?
But at least our 'UK Tories' have been at pains all along to point out that it was only hospital deaths that they were reporting on.

You can't really 'publish' a number when you have no idea what it is (as in care home deaths).

So your poke at 'UK Tories' holds absolutely no water at all. They have published the reliable figures that they had, AND said what they represent, AND have all along said that they did not include RH deaths.

Have the 'Chinese commies' done that? NO, they have just lied about it. And as for North Korea????
But at least our 'UK Tories' have been at pains all along to point out that it was only hospital deaths that they were reporting on.

You can't really 'publish' a number when you have no idea what it is (as in care home deaths).

So your poke at 'UK Tories' holds absolutely no water at all. They have published the reliable figures that they had, AND said what they represent, AND have all along said that they did not include RH deaths.

Have the 'Chinese commies' done that? NO, they have just lied about it. And as for North Korea????
There is not so great a divide between lies and deliberate avoidance to skew the facts in one's favour. The one glove count suggests that they are not exactly being honest with us are they?
As all the surgical glove I have come across are not handed, how else can you count them?
So the UK Tories are just about to find and declare some more deaths (care homes and at home, rather than just hospitals). Who believes the numbers they publish either?
I think you'll find that the uk govt agency by the name of ons has ALWAYS declared ALL the deaths, quite unlike the commies. so in a direct answer to your question, yes i do believe them. now, what's your answer to my original question?
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As all the surgical glove I have come across are not handed, how else can you count them?
Agreed. The general public buy gloves in handed pairs; surgical gloves are not handed and the box identifies the number of individual gloves. So obviously all the invoicing and accounting is in single gloves.
As a pair obviously as I doubt there are many if any one handed NHS workers requiring PPE.
They come in boxes of 100 or whatever. Are you suggesting manufacturers are required to re label them?
(Which would cause confusion as people root through trying to find a 'pair'.)
And at home I often just use a single glove for a quick clean up of something.
So your poke at 'UK Tories' holds absolutely no water at all. They have published the reliable figures that they had, AND said what they represent, AND have all along said that they did not include RH deaths.
I disagree. I've noted three changes so far in the way the statistics are reported. Keep changing the method you can hide anything.
On a number of days recently both Sky News and BBC News reported figures for the various nations and then later the UK figures. They don't add up. UK figures should be England+Wales+Scotland+NI. Recently the total deaths in the last 24 hours in UK hospitals due to covid-19 have been just England+Wales+Scotland-(some arbitrary amount). Not reliable at all.
As all the surgical glove I have come across are not handed, how else can you count them?
That should have occurred to me. I've seen the TV report where someone is donning gloves (at a donning and doffing point) and they took three gloves out and returned one. No attempt to check whether left or right glove. Obvious isn't it? They are not pairs of gloves.
Whether gloves are handed or not and no matter the quantity they are packaged in they are much more often than not used as a pair. When was the last time anyone purchased a pack of unhanded socks only to find that instead of 5 pairs it was was 5 socks?
let's see if we can get an answer at all:

1. are you phil or anyone else saying that the number of deaths here is higher than 26100?

2. are you saying that china does not have more than 4000 deaths?
If anyone has watched, or is going to watch, the government press conference from today let me know your opinion on how these new composite UK death figures (hospitals plus care homes) are compiled. The comments from one of the scientific advisers (the Irish lady) seemed to imply that they only include care home fatalities when this is confirmed by a positive test for covid-19. As the testing of sick care home residents has been patchy at best this could be a significant underestimate, with the UK figures even worse than reported to date.
That should have occurred to me. I've seen the TV report where someone is donning gloves (at a donning and doffing point) and they took three gloves out and returned one. No attempt to check whether left or right glove. Obvious isn't it? They are not pairs of gloves.
I read somewhere that Matt Hancock bought a large box of cornflakes the other day, or as he described it to his wife, "7122 food items".