Since we'll all be locked in our houses, Coronavirus

I will take your Alps and raise you the glacier of Langtang in the the Himalayas. It was also the only time I have been truly amazed at the wonders of a night sky.
for me, the only outstanding night sky can be in the aussie outback
longest queue yet today, I've got to start going on Thursdays or something. at least I was only buying stuff for my bbq and a few others.
I'm sure they've changed the "special hour" time at Morrisons. Go back two Fridays and there was no queue at all. Last Friday went slightly later (closer to the time I used to go pre-covid-19), no queue - but when I left the shop a large queue was forming.
at least I was only buying stuff for my bbq and a few others
Essential supplies. :roflmao:
The bright window is a problem. I don't see any trip hazard, unless you are referring to that table leg.
The 'Floor slippery when wet' signs (as if we didn't know) turn a potential slip hazard into a real trip hazard when the floor is (inevitably) not wet.
so, the Chinese commies have just found and declared some more deaths. who believes the numbers they published?
I did my second venture out since lock down today. 6 people in the queue outside Aldi and 10 outside Asda, I found everything I needed apart from flour and oddly both supermarkets had no salad cream just loads of mayo. I passed a B&Q and the queue there was about 30 people standing in the rain.
He is a Republican not a Conservative and I'm not quite certain of the number of Conservatives that want to turn GB into a Republic but suspect it's a low percentage.
But for goodness sake don't allow facts to get in the way of your political leaning.:eek:
But I must agree 100% with your choice of noun even if I dispute your choice of adjective. :roflmao:
It's sad that it's taken a tragedy of such epic proportions for him to be shown for what he really is (although coming into it many of us probably already knew). Whether the electorate will take note come November is open to question though.
He is a Republican not a Conservative and I'm not quite certain of the number of Conservatives that want to turn GB into a Republic but suspect it's a low percentage.
But for goodness sake don't allow facts to get in the way of your political leaning.:eek:
But I must agree 100% with your choice of noun even if I dispute your choice of adjective. :roflmao:
But it is fact Trev. "The 21st-century Republican Party ideology is American conservatism "