Regarding the removal of tolls at the Severn Bridges (free passage from 18th December - or maybe 17th December, it's difficult to tell from the sloppy wording in the letter), this statement has appeared on the relevant web site:
"We are sending out letters and e-mails to all users to inform them of the account closure process, in order to make the account close down process as smooth as possible once the tolls go [sic] on the 17 December. You may receive an email and a letter, this is just to make sure we’ve contacted all our account holders.
Highways England is aware of an issue that has affected a small amount [sic] of our TAG account holders. If you have received a letter from us, it may show an incorrect title or initials, we apologise for any confusion. However, the letter is still intended for the TAG account holder at your address. This was due to an error in the mail merge process used to produce the letters - we apologise for this error."
Figuratively speaking, the letter I received was addressed to a PROF A HOLE instead of MR B HOLE. It is signed by the General Manager, who apparently is not a Ms A Hole.