Number 28
Somebody trying it on driving along the A52 in Derbyshire - somehow has taken this picture (after the event I think)

(full story at )
If I understand it correctly, there appears to be two slip roads, one to the left and the one the picture is taken on. The main carriageway is the other side of the barrier on the right. Therefore the driver claims when driving on the main carriageway he saw the national speed limit sign to the left and assumed it applied to the A52. You can see some lane change markings (in roadworks?) ahead. He then claims to have been caught in a speed trap at 49 mph. Wrongly placed end of roadworks sign or not?

(full story at )
If I understand it correctly, there appears to be two slip roads, one to the left and the one the picture is taken on. The main carriageway is the other side of the barrier on the right. Therefore the driver claims when driving on the main carriageway he saw the national speed limit sign to the left and assumed it applied to the A52. You can see some lane change markings (in roadworks?) ahead. He then claims to have been caught in a speed trap at 49 mph. Wrongly placed end of roadworks sign or not?