Interesting Items...

Similarly, when driving your own or hire cars abroad you are required to carry your passport as proof of ID.
Get stopped by the police in Portugal and if you don't produce a passport, you get a fixed penalty. Similarly on mainland Greece, but they are not so vigilant.
You should know by now it's only the Brits that take free movement literally. Not to mention EU laws and recommendations that we slavishly follow but others chose the ones that suit them and tend to ignore the ones that don't.
Even before true free movement - when there were still proper borders between Germany and Austria - it was possible for a car with 2 Brits and a German to travel back and forth across the border and just wave three passports (blue UK ones and whatever colour German, not the EU passports) at the border guard. No examination of the passports, just three people in car, three passports and across we go.

Get stopped by the police in Portugal and if you don't produce a passport, you get a fixed penalty. Similarly on mainland Greece, but they are not so vigilant.

What happens in those countries where the hotel wants to keep your passport? Or is that a myth?
Someone in Cardiff has been a NAUGHTY BOY!

Hooray! Somebody with sense. said:
"My message to schools is this - keeping children safe from harm should always be your overriding concern but in doing so make sure you distinguish between real and imagined risk.

"Trying to insulate your pupils from every bump, germ or bruise won't just drive you to distraction, it will short-change those pupils as well, limiting their opportunity to fully take advantage of the freedom of childhood and to explore the world around them."

Next month, 1,800 school inspectors will take part in sessions to ensure they focus only on the safeguarding of vulnerable children.

Ms Spielman said she looked forward to seeing more eager young faces on trips in the next school year but hopes "fewer of them will be auditioning for Bob the Builder".
TBH The Thunderer is not to be trusted as an independent, unbiased source of news and information about competitors to its parent company.
Who says impartial? We all know Openreach are dishonest incompetents who should never have been given their lucrative monopoly.