I'm going by the details on the Humax site and the screenshots, which look almost identical to that of the T2. Of course, I'd love to be proved wrong
I'll happily expand on my reasoning, but it'll have to wait until later to give a proper thoughtful reply as at work right now.
I *do* like the T2. It is by far and away the best of its peers. However, I strive for perfection and in this it falls far short. I would liken the PVR market to "smart" phones pre-iPhone. Yes, they worked but usability was lacking. Whatever you might think of Apple, they really did raise the standard. I feel the Freeview market still needs such a device. TiVo (original UK version) could have been that product, but wasn't.
If you are familiar with AppleTV, XBMC, Plex, Windows Media Server and other similar products you will get a flavour of where I'm heading. They all have their faults and limitations, but get a lot right.
A really quick summary for the T2:
* Menu's are inappropriate size and format for HDTV's and badly implemented.
* Navigation is inconsistent and confusing.
* EPG is far too basic and lacks information and customisation
* Programme views are limited, slow and laid out poorly
* Search is badly implemented. Slow. Feature poor. Removes old searches. Results contain duplicate programmes.
* Search categories are poor, badly managed and inaccurate.
* 'live' view and sound cannot be turned off when in menu's.
* Channel name being flagged up when watching a recording is intrusive, cannot be switched off and uninformative.
* Season passes cannot be set for programmes already started.
* Cross-pollination of meta data poor and interface lacking. ie: what else is on with a particular Actor.
* iPlayer implementation is shockingly poor.
* No on-line / web / iPhone / Android App to remote record (without custom firmware)
* season passes give inadequate detail of what and when they are recording.
* EPG is channel centric not programme centric (see TiVo)
* Chase play implementation is poor.
* FF / REV implementation is poor (again see TiVo)
* inability to quickly see what the box is doing re. recordings
* No multi-user mode or parental controls
* Remote streaming is poorly implemented
* on-screen icons are confusing
Right, back to work...