Has anyone had success in streaming from their Humax HDR-T2 to either Windows XP or 7 in Windows Media Player since the latest upgrade?
My setup is as follows - I'm using a Netgear DG834G v3 router wired into my Hummy and connects wirelessly to my 2 PC's (one XP, one Windows 7) I have been able to stream all media from both PC's to my Hummy for a while now, but the other way round is a pain. I have tried XBMC with no luck. Windows 7 sees the Hummy in media player in the navigation pane and as part of the network but will not play any media, if I attempt to see the videos (or any other media) I get the error message 'No files have been found on this remote library'. Media streaming has been selected in the advanced options. I have Norton 360 installed on both PC's but either firewall on or off makes no difference. As far as the Hummy goes, I have been through the setting until the cows come home, and either hardwired or wirelessly or DCHP or manual makes no difference in this part of the menu.
Any advice anyone?