okay okay I give in "Choke Ball"What about "likes" for the 10,000th poster?
No, post 10221 is the 10221st post.I know nobody's interested, but the overnight state of the post count confirms post link 10221 as the 10kth post.
The above post by af123 is, and will always be the 10000th post.![]()
I wouldn't worry - what with your main contender for the honour beingIt's a shame it was so inane!
Unless you want to count the re-introduction of the long forgotten exclamation of "Yowser"!!! Works for me - huzzah and balderdash say I ! ! ! ! !Ready, set....
Gotta laugh!
How are we going to know who had the 1000th registration? I can't find a member number in the profile pages, so as far as I know all we can to is watch the reg count click up to 999+1 like hawks. (By the same token, if the post counter was all we had to go on, and mods have deleted 221 posts, there would be no question... but that's done and dusted and you'll have to fight me for it)
I think you're right there!(or perhaps indicative of the Enquiries Desk opening hours???)
I reckon that if the number is indellibly attached to the user I guess we'd better keep an eye on the panel number creeping up till we get close, then watch the name changing and hover over the actual username to check who gets the magic number?? (BTW It doesn't half show on here when it's a slow day at the office!!!!So what are we going to go for: a member's vague ID serial number (derrr!) or the click of the counter? Current offset says ID 1003!
PS: what's a "memeber"? Maybe it's a registrant with one brain cell.
But given that most of us are blokes then we can call 'em what we like but there's nothing we can do. We're genetically programmed not to read anything before wading in and mashing keyboards/keypads/remotes etc with our fists and then moaning that it doesn't do what it's supposed to, even though at that stage we have no idea what it's supposed to do other than what we have convinced ourselves that it ought to do based on nothing more than what we would like it to do!!!! Or is that just me?.......I was thinking of using it to describe the ones that don't read things first!